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Southern Africa Local time: 11:00 PM

Welcome to the U.S. Commercial Service Southern Africa!

The U.S. Department of Commerce South Africa is your starting point for doing business in Southern Africa. We encourage you to take a look at doing business in this most exciting and emerging market.

The U.S. Commercial Service South Africa is part of a global network of trade specialists dedicated to supporting U.S. commercial interests around the world. We offer comprehensive, export promotion assistance through a variety of programs and services. We also provide support to the following countries in our region:

The U.S. Commercial Service in South Africa are part of a global network of trade specialists dedicated to supporting U.S. commercial interests around the world. We offer comprehensive, export promotion assistance through a variety of programs and services. We also cover Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Mauritius, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.


The United States established formal diplomatic relations with the Government of Angola in 1993. Before 1989, U.S.-Angolan relations were defined by the Cold War. The United States initially supported Holden Roberto's FNLA and later Jonas Savimbi's UNITA against the pro-Soviet and pro-Cuban MPLA government in Luanda more...


Botswana puts a premium on economic and political integration in Southern Africa. It seeks to make the Southern African Development Community (SADC) a working vehicle for economic development, and promotes efforts to make the region self-policing in terms of preventative diplomacy, conflict resolution, and good governance. The United States considers Botswana an advocate of and a model for stability in Africa and has been a major partner in Botswana's development. more...


The United States was one of the first four countries to establish an embassy in Maseru after Lesotho gained its independence from Great Britain in 1966. Since that time, Lesotho and the United States have consistently maintained warm bilateral relations. more...


Though U.S.- Madagascar relations date back to the mid-1800’s, political disruptions in the 1970s and more recently in 2002 strained traditionally warm relations. However, with the resolution of the 2002 political crisis, Madagascar has actively sought to renew and strengthen ties with western nations and the United States. more...


The transition from a one-party state to a multi-party democracy significantly strengthened the already cordial U.S. relationship with Malawi. U.S. and Malawian views on the necessity of economic and political stability in southern Africa generally coincide. Malawi works to achieve these objectives in the United Nations and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). more...


Relations between the United States and Mozambique are good and steadily improving. By 1993, U.S. aid to Mozambique was prominent, due in part to significant emergency food assistance in the wake of the 1991-93 southern African drought, but more importantly in support of the peace and reconciliation process. more...


Relations between the United States and Mauritius are cordial and largely revolve around trade. The United States is Mauritius’ third-largest market but ranks 12th in terms of exports to Mauritius. Mauritius is also a member of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) more...


U.S.-Namibian relations are good and continue to improve. Namibia has seized opportunities created by African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and is currently involved in negotiating a Free Trade Agreement between the U.S. and the Southern African Customs Union (SACU). more...


The United States seeks to maintain and strengthen the good bilateral relations that have existed since the kingdom became independent in 1968. Swaziland became eligible for the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) in 2000 and qualified for the apparel provision in 2001. AGOA created over 30,000 jobs, mostly for women, in Swaziland’s apparel industry. Swaziland is also a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). more...


The United States and Zambia enjoy warm relations. The United States is working closely with the Zambian Government to defeat the HIV/AIDS pandemic that is ravaging Zambia and to effect political reform needed to strengthen the nation's emerging democratic institutions. Zambia is a beneficiary of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and is a member of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). Zambia has been an active advocate for reform and change in Africa and has taken a leading role in several international and regional efforts to stabilize conflicts in neighboring countries. more...


U.S. relations with Zimbabwe are by far the least cordial of any in southern Africa. Since 2000, the United States has taken a leading role in condemning the Zimbabwean Government’s increasing assault on human rights and the rule of law, and has joined much of the world community in calling for the Government of Zimbabwe to embrace a peaceful democratic evolution. more...