BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Southern Africa Local time: 12:03 AM

Feature Your Company on our Website

Looking for sales leads or potential sales representatives in South Africa and Southern Africa?

Register as a Featured U.S. Exporter (FUSE)!

CS South Africa offers a listing for qualified* U.S. companies on our website, which target local importers and commercial buyers.

We will post a description of the product or service for which you are seeking representation, distribution or sales prospects, along with an appropriate image, to our on-line directory of U.S. exporters. Look here for an example of how your listing will appear.

Interested importers are encouraged to contact our office and once we have confirmed their interest and contact information, we will forward the trade inquiry to you. However, as there is no language barrier between South Africa and the USA, you may find some buyers contact you directly.

To receive your listing, simply complete the form on the homepage where you can sign up - not only for a South Africa listing - but for all countries participating in this program.

Cost: $150 for companies with 500 or fewer employees, $300 for companies with more than 500 employees and $75 for companies with 500 or fewer employees - that are exporting for the first time.

For more information, contact  

*Required qualifications are listed here. Due to the volume of response to this offer, we will not be able to respond directly to companies who do not meet these minimum criteria and are not accepted for publication online.

Featured U.S. Exporter

Burton Medical Products

Medical and Surgical Lighting FUSE 1382

Medical and surgical lighting.
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