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School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)

Table 7.  Percentage of students ages 12-18 reporting availability of crack and other forms of cocaine, LSD, PCP, and heroin at school during the previous 6 months, by selected student and school characteristics: 2005

    Crack   Other forms of cocaine   LSD or acid     PCP or angel dust1   Heroin or smack2
Student or school characteristic   Yes   No   Don't know drug     Yes   No   Don't know drug     Yes   No   Don't know drug     Yes    No    Don't know drug     Yes   No   Don't know drug  
Total   11.7   70.3   0.9     10.7   70.6   1.0     5.6   72.5   5.0     5.0   71.7   7.0     5.2   75.1   3.1  
Male   10.9   70.9   1.0     10.5   70.5   1.1     6.0   73.4   4.2     5.5   73.1   5.3     5.4   75.5   2.7  
Female   12.5   69.7   0.9     11.0   70.7   1.0     5.2   71.5   5.7     4.6   70.1   8.9     5.0   74.7   3.6  
White, non-Hispanic   11.5   70.4   0.7     10.8   70.8   0.9     6.1   73.5   3.8     4.8   73.1   6.1     5.4   76.1   2.3  
Black, non-Hispanic   10.4   71.6   1.0 !   8.6   71.9   1.4 !   4.6   72.6   5.6     5.0   73.1   6.2     4.6   75.7   3.3  
Hispanic   14.1   69.2   1.3     13.6   69.3   0.9 !   5.9   70.7   6.1     6.7   67.8   8.5     6.0   72.6   4.2  
Other, non-Hispanic   10.1   68.9       8.1   68.5   1.8 !   2.4 ! 67.0   10.7     3.0 ! 64.9   14.1     3.5   71.0   7.1  
6th   1.8 ! 85.0   2.2 !   1.6 ! 83.1   2.3 !     77.8   10.5       75.5   12.9       82.4   6.4  
7th   4.9   80.6   2.1     3.5   81.3   2.0     1.5   77.1   9.4     1.8   75.5   11.3     1.9   80.2   5.8  
8th   6.3   81.0   0.6 !   4.2   81.9   0.8 !   1.7   80.2   5.4     1.6   78.9   7.9     2.4   83.2   2.9  
9th   14.8   62.2   0.8 !   13.3   62.7   1.0     7.2   66.8   3.8     7.0   64.8   6.3     7.1   68.4   2.6  
10th   15.7   63.3   0.4 !   15.0   63.6   0.8 !   7.0   71.0   2.7     5.7   69.9   5.5     5.9   72.2   2.0  
11th   18.3   61.4       18.2   61.2       10.0   67.1   2.2     9.1   69.5   3.4     9.3   69.9   1.8  
12th   17.9   61.8       17.9   62.7       10.7   67.6   2.0     9.1   67.8   3.3     8.7   70.9   1.1 !
Household income                                                                      
Less than $7,500   4.9 ! 77.5   #     10.0   68.8         74.8   4.4 !     72.1   5.4 !   3.6 ! 77.4    
$7,500–14,999   9.4   71.0       9.2   69.5       4.7   71.9   4.5     4.3 ! 68.1   6.3     3.4 ! 71.8   3.9 !
$15,000–24,999   10.2   73.4   1.7 !   8.3   75.1   2.1 !   5.5   73.9   6.7     6.1   71.4   9.2     4.3   77.4   4.8  
$25,000–34,999   11.7   70.8   1.1 !   11.5   71.8       5.7   74.7   3.6     4.5   72.6   7.7     5.9   75.3   4.2  
$35,000–49,999   11.1   70.1   1.5 !   9.1   71.1   1.0 !   4.1   72.0   6.1     4.6   70.4   6.8     3.9   74.9   3.2  
$50,000 or more   12.7   68.8   0.4     12.0   68.9   0.8     6.4   71.5   4.6     5.2   72.3   6.4     6.1   75.0   2.2  
Urban   12.5   71.6   1.3 !   12.2   70.9   0.9 !   5.9   71.6   5.4     5.5   71.5   7.3     5.3   74.7   3.4  
Suburban   12.5   68.3   0.9     10.7   69.2   1.2     5.7   70.9   5.1     5.0   70.3   6.9     5.7   73.7   2.8  
Rural   8.0   74.5       8.7   74.4   0.8 !   4.8   78.6   3.6     4.2   76.3   7.0     3.9   80.1   3.6  
Self-report of grades at school5                                                                      
Mostly A's   11.4   71.8   1.1     10.6   71.7   1.2     5.1   72.4   5.6     4.4   71.7   7.9     5.4   75.7   3.0  
Mostly B's   10.8   70.5   0.9     9.9   70.5   1.0     4.9   73.3   4.7     4.8   71.9   6.9     4.9   75.0   3.4  
Mostly C's   12.5   68.8   0.7 !   11.7   69.9   0.7 !   6.6   72.0   4.2     5.4   72.2   5.6     5.5   74.8   2.8  
Mostly D's   19.8   62.2       17.3   64.2       11.9   65.5   6.6 !   10.6   67.6   5.4 !   6.2 ! 73.5    
Mostly F's   21.7   61.9   #     14.6   67.8   #     13.2 ! 70.0   #     12.7 ! 69.5       10.8 ! 70.9    
Student report of violent victimization at school6                                                                       
Yes    25.9   65.0   #     19.7   67.5       11.9 ! 71.4       10.6 ! 69.9   7.6 !   10.2 ! 73.6    
No    11.5   70.3   0.9     10.6   70.6   1.0     5.5   72.5   5.0     5.0   71.7   7.0     5.2   75.1   3.1  
Student report of theft victimization at school6                                                                       
Yes    17.9   56.9       16.3   57.1       7.0   64.0   6.0     7.2   61.3   7.2     4.6 ! 67.1   3.1 !
No    11.5   70.7   0.9     10.6   71.0   1.1     5.5   72.7   4.9     5.0   72.0   7.0     5.3   75.4   3.1  
Public    12.3   68.8   0.9     11.3   69.1   1.0     5.8   71.3   4.9     5.3   70.5   7.0     5.4   74.0   3.1  
Private    4.2   88.2       4.2   88.3   1.7 !   2.4   86.0   5.8     2.3 ! 85.6   7.8     2.7   88.7   3.0 !
# Rounds to zero.
! Interpret data with caution. The standard error for this estimate is from 30 percent to 50 percent of the estimate’s value.
‡ Reporting standards not met. The standard error for this estimate is equal to 50 percent or more of the estimate's value.
1 An example of PCP provided to the respondents was angel dust.
2 An example of heroin provided to respondents was smack.
3 "Other, non-Hispanic" includes Asians, Pacific Islanders, and American Indians (including Alaska Natives). Beginning in 2003, students were given the option of identifying themselves as more than one race. Non-Hispanic students who identified themselves as more than one race in 2005 (1 percent of all respondents) were included in the "other, non-Hispanic" category. Respondents who identified themselves as being of Hispanic origin were classified as Hispanic, regardless of their race.
4 Urbanicity refers to the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) status of the respondent's household as defined in 1990 by the U.S. Census Bureau.
5 Students who responded that their schools did not give grades or there was no alphabetical equivalent are not reported.
6 Victimization data are taken from the National Crime Victimization Survey Incident Report.
NOTE: "Violent" victimization includes serious violent crimes (rape, sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault) and simple assault. "At school" includes inside the school building, on school property, on a school bus, and on the way to and from school. Estimates include only the respondents who indicated that it was possible to obtain the specified substance at school. Population size for students ages 12–18 was 25,811,000 in 2005. Details may not sum to 100 percent because respondent-volunteered "don't know" responses are included in the base for the percentages listed.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), 2005.

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