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School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)

Table 4.  Number and percentage of public high schools reporting student threats of physical attack and incidents of robbery that occurred at school, the number of incidents, and the rate of incidents per 1,000 students, by selected school characteristics: School year 2003–04 (Table 4—Continued)

School characteristic Student threat of physical attack with a weapon1   Student threat of physical attack without a weapon1
ber of
cent of
ber of
Rate per
ber of
cent of
ber of
Rate per 1,000
All public schools  1,258 12 4,586 0.4   7,734 71 135,937 11.7
Enrollment size                   
Less than 300  74 5 74 0.2   744 46 3,153 8.6
300–499  69 4 85 0.1   969 62 5,933 8.8
500–999  294 11 736 0.4   2,061 75 31,224 14.9
1,000 or more  822 17 3,691 0.4   3,959 81 95,627 11.2
City  393 17 1,512 0.4   1,704 72 35,285 10.4
Urban fringe  425 12 2,087 0.4   2,774 79 59,746 11.9
Town  208 12 603 0.5   1,245 71 14,239 10.9
Rural  233 7 385 0.2   2,011 63 26,667 13.8
Crime level where
students live
High  116 21 952 1.3   436 78 17,145 23.5
Moderate  335 15 963 0.4   1,597 72 30,417 11.7
Low  607 9 2,104 0.3   4,573 71 63,525 10.3
Mixed  201 13 567 0.3   1,128 71 24,850 11.6
Percent minority
Less than 5 percent  172 7 236 0.1   1,832 72 26,480 16.7
5 to 20 percent  393 14 747 0.2   2,170 77 33,422 11.0
20 to 50 percent  199 8 727 0.2   1,709 68 28,178 9.2
50 percent or more  480 17 2,833 0.8   1,885 68 46,506 12.5
Percent of students
eligible for free or
reduced-price lunch 
0–20 percent  403 11 1,563 0.3   2,821 75 46,772 10.1
21–50 percent  484 11 1,356 0.3   3,139 70 54,564 12.1
More than 50 percent  371 15 1,667 0.7   1,774 69 34,602 14.0
Percent of students
below 15th percentile on
standardized tests 
0–5 percent  239 8 759 0.2   2,000 68 27,646 9.1
6–15 percent  529 11 1,538 0.3   3,607 75 62,690 11.9
More than 15 percent  490 16 2,290 0.7   2,127 69 45,601 13.7
Percent of students likely
to attend college 
0–35 percent  319 15 1,382 0.7   1,377 66 31,428 15.6
36–60 percent  337 10 1,076 0.3   2,245 70 34,487 10.8
More than 60 percent  602 11 2,128 0.3   4,112 75 70,022 10.9
Percent of students who
consider academic
achievement important 
0–25 percent  126 14 348 0.5   623 71 8,127 12.1
26–50 percent  309 14 1,549 0.7   1,511 70 28,956 13.5
51–75 percent  485 14 1,063 0.3   2,469 72 44,896 12.2
More than 75 percent  338 8 1,628 0.3   3,130 72 53,958 10.5
Percent male enrollment                   
0–44 percent  145 16 985 1.2   535 59 6,636 8.0
45–55 percent  1,063 12 3,431 0.3   6,639 73 121,698 11.9
More than 55 percent  50 6 170 0.3   559 64 7,603 13.7
Student-to-teacher ratio                  
Less than 12 students  365 9 587 0.2   2,819 67 27,546 10.0
12–16 students  445 11 2,031 0.4   3,096 76 68,194 13.8
More than 16 students  449 18 1,968 0.5   1,819 71 40,197 10.2
Number of classroom
0–3 changes  33 6 62 0.1   306 55 14,270 26.4
4–6 changes  761 15 3,513 0.6   3,932 75 68,706 11.4
More than 6 changes  465 9 1,012 0.2   3,496 69 52,961 10.4
Regular use of law
Regular use  1,066 14 4,339 0.4   5,881 76 122,641 12.1
No regular use  193 6 248 0.2   1,853 60 13,296 8.8
Number of serious
discipline problems
No problems  483 7 1,281 0.2   4,383 65 51,471 8.1
1 problem  302 18 826 0.4   1,361 83 29,518 15.2
2 problems  177 15 361 0.2   938 78 14,130 9.6
3 or more problems  297 24 2,118 1.1   1,052 87 40,818 21.6
Transfers as a percentage
of enrollment
0 to 6 percent  284 11 685 0.3   1,830 71 22,306 8.7
6 to 11 percent  258 12 1,120 0.6   1,515 70 33,859 16.8
11 to 21 percent  384 11 2,038 0.5   2,502 74 42,597 11.0
21 percent or more  333 12 743 0.2   1,886 70 37,175 11.6
Prevalence of schoolwide
No disruptions  942 10 2,345 0.2   6,344 69 109,883 11.6
Any disruptions  317 19 2,242 1.0   1,390 85 26,054 12.1
Percent of students
absent on a daily basis 
0–2 percent  31 5 68 0.1   386 58 3,819 7.5
3–5 percent  427 10 766 0.2   2,791 68 43,518 10.4
6–10 percent  599 12 2,633 0.5   3,727 77 70,301 12.4
More than 10 percent  202 16 1,119 0.9   830 66 18,299 14.7
See notes at end of table.

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