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School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)

Table 2.  Number and percentage of public middle schools reporting incidents of crime that occurred at school to police, the number of incidents reported to police, and the rate of incidents reported to police per 1,000 students, by incident type and selected school characteristics: School year 2003–04 (Table 2—Continued)

School characteristic Violent incidents reported to police1   Serious violent incidents reported to police2
Number of schools Percent of schools Number of incidents Rate per 1,000 students   Number of schools Percent of schools Number of incidents Rate per 1,000 students
All public schools 9,693 67 143,079 14.6   2,971 20 9,186 0.9
Enrollment size                  
Less than 300 950 44 5,173 9.5   272 13 757 1.4
300–499 1,886 61 25,831 19.3   479 15 733 0.5
500–999 5,078 72 76,760 15.0   1,535 22 4,370 0.9
1,000 or more 1,780 82 35,315 12.7   685 32 3,325 1.2
City 2,666 79 48,977 18.0   1,098 32 4,646 1.7
Urban fringe 3,701 69 49,572 12.1   1,128 21 2,785 0.7
Town 1,409 62 15,994 13.9   360 16 742 0.6
Rural 1,917 55 28,536 15.7   385 11 1,013 0.6
Crime level where students live5                  
High 864 81 17,025 19.6   397 37 2,360 2.7
Moderate 2,427 75 55,718 24.4   791 25 2,509 1.1
Low 4,900 61 43,022 8.5   1,294 16 2,973 0.6
Mixed 1,503 70 27,314 17.1   489 23 1,343 0.8
Percent minority enrollment6                  
Less than 5 percent 1,536 56 10,630 7.7   337 12 582 0.4
5 to 20 percent 2,305 63 24,405 10.0   480 13 1,019 0.4
20 to 50 percent 2,277 69 37,416 15.7   793 24 2,453 1.0
50 percent or more 3,446 78 68,175 20.2   1,298 29 4,993 1.5
Percent of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch                  
0–20 percent 2,043 60 22,247 8.7   571 17 1,493 0.6
21–50 percent 3,665 67 42,846 12.5   1,009 18 2,455 0.7
More than 50 percent 3,986 71 77,986 20.6   1,390 25 5,238 1.4
Percent of students below 15th percentile on standardized tests                  
0–5 percent 1,975 60 21,306 9.6   416 13 945 0.4
6–15 percent 4,316 67 58,007 13.5   1,322 21 4,007 0.9
More than 15 percent 3,402 71 63,766 19.4   1,233 26 4,233 1.3
Percent of students likely to attend college                  
0–35 percent 3,321 71 64,427 20.9   1,078 23 4,282 1.4
36–60 percent 3,176 72 47,304 15.8   945 21 2,489 0.8
More than 60 percent 3,196 59 31,349 8.4   948 18 2,415 0.7
Percent of students who consider academic achievement important                  
0–25 percent 1,191 67 30,871 28.0   451 25 1,668 1.5
26–50 percent 2,343 72 35,607 16.4   718 22 2,118 1.0
51–75 percent 3,470 72 43,509 13.5   1,040 22 3,536 1.1
More than 75 percent 2,689 57 33,092 10.0   762 16 1,864 0.6
Percent male enrollment                  
0–44 percent 509 59 8,911 17.8   203 24 835 1.7
45–55 percent 8,574 68 125,156 14.5   2,600 21 7,714 0.9
More than 55 percent 611 58 9,012 14.2   169 16 636 1.0
Student-to-teacher ratio7                  
Less than 12 students 3,914 64 46,588 13.9   1,163 19 3,920 1.2
12–16 students 3,813 68 56,062 14.2   1,007 18 2,580 0.7
More than 16 students 1,967 72 40,429 16.4   801 29 2,686 1.1
Number of classroom changes8                  
0–3 changes 324 53 2,524 7.7   85 14 237 0.7
4–6 changes 3,583 64 61,187 15.6   1,240 22 4,350 1.1
More than 6 changes 5,786 70 79,368 14.3   1,646 20 4,599 0.8
Regular use of law enforcement9                  
Regular use 6,930 74 109,757 15.8   2,190 23 7,556 1.1
No regular use 2,763 54 33,322 11.8   781 15 1,630 0.6
Number of serious discipline problems10                  
No problems 3,908 57 42,920 10.4   1,019 15 2,475 0.6
1 problem 2,085 70 21,591 10.3   667 22 1,405 0.7
2 problems 1,766 77 29,322 17.9   451 20 1,374 0.8
3 or more problems 1,935 81 49,246 25.8   834 35 3,931 2.1
Transfers as a percentage of enrollment11                  
0 to 6 percent 1,712 60 13,944 7.0   511 18 1,174 0.6
6 to 11 percent 2,004 62 25,972 12.9   708 22 1,902 0.9
11 to 21 percent 2,952 64 45,809 15.4   699 15 2,557 0.9
21 percent or more 3,026 79 57,354 20.5   1,054 28 3,553 1.3
Prevalence of schoolwide disruptions12                  
No disruptions 8,535 66 122,336 14.2   2,590 20 7,932 0.9
Any disruptions 1,158 77 20,743 17.3   381 25 1,253 1.0
Percent of students absent on a daily basis                  
0–2 percent 642 56 7,007 9.8   146 13 733 1.0
3–5 percent 5,066 65 71,419 13.7   1,431 18 4,032 0.8
6–10 percent 3,508 72 57,861 16.8   1,221 25 3,954 1.1
More than 10 percent 478 73 6,793 16.2   174 27 467 1.1
See notes at end of table.

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