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School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)

Table 1.  Number and percentage of public middle schools reporting incidents of crime that occurred at school, the number of incidents, and the rate of incidents per 1,000 students, by incident type and selected school characteristics: School year 2003–04 (Table 1—Continued)

  Violent incidents1 Serious violent incidents2
School characteristic Total number of schools Number of schools Percent of schools Number of incidents Rate per 1,000 students   Number of schools Percent of schools Number of incidents Rate per 1,000 students
All public schools 14,493 13,558 94 515,827 52.7   3,533 24 15,704 1.6
Enrollment size                    
Less than 300 2,152 1,776 83 21,340 39.4   321 15 2,135 3.9
300–499 3,106 2,787 90 97,917 73.1   557 18 862 0.6
500–999 7,062 6,873 97 269,665 52.7   1,854 26 7,074 1.4
1,000 or more 2,173 2,122 98 126,905 45.5   801 37 5,633 2.0
City 3,385 3,258 96 176,767 64.9   1,252 37 7,828 2.9
Urban fringe 5,392 5,195 96 177,425 43.3   1,395 26 4,792 1.2
Town 2,261 2,083 92 53,979 47.1   390 17 1,079 0.9
Rural 3,455 3,023 87 107,656 59.4   496 14 2,005 1.1
Crime level where students live5                    
High 1,064 1,025 96 59,583 68.4   476 45 3,402 3.9
Moderate 3,216 3,107 97 200,539 87.8   860 27 4,956 2.2
Low 8,057 7,377 92 168,152 33.4   1,611 20 4,670 0.9
Mixed 2,156 2,050 95 87,553 54.8   586 27 2,676 1.7
Percent minority enrollment6                    
Less than 5 percent 2,746 2,339 85 45,217 32.6   472 17 942 0.7
5 to 20 percent 3,682 3,465 94 87,246 35.6   620 17 1,569 0.6
20 to 50 percent 3,322 3,173 96 130,489 54.7   939 28 3,949 1.7
50 percent or more 4,414 4,272 97 245,258 72.6   1,438 33 9,108 2.7
Percent of students ligible for free or reduced-price lunch                    
0–20 percent 3,387 3,056 90 66,912 26.0   765 23 2,099 0.8
21–50 percent 5,461 5,098 93 163,656 47.6   1,199 22 5,267 1.5
More than 50 percent 5,645 5,405 96 285,259 75.4   1,569 28 8,338 2.2
Percent of students below 15th percentile on standardized tests                    
0–5 percent 3,319 3,087 93 65,499 29.6   615 19 1,748 0.8
6–15 percent 6,399 5,961 93 227,549 53.1   1,534 24 7,076 1.7
More than 15 percent 4,774 4,511 94 222,779 67.8   1,384 29 6,880 2.1
Percent of students likely to attend college                    
0–35 percent 4,661 4,491 96 253,134 82.3   1,198 26 6,807 2.2
36–60 percent 4,425 4,203 95 146,520 48.9   1,079 24 3,854 1.3
More than 60 percent 5,406 4,865 90 116,173 31.3   1,256 23 5,043 1.4
Percent of students who consider academic achievement important                    
0–25 percent 1,769 1,706 96 125,860 114.0   499 28 2,738 2.5
26–50 percent 3,257 3,143 96 129,460 59.8   819 25 3,304 1.5
51–75 percent 4,787 4,488 94 148,649 46.2   1,240 26 6,634 2.1
More than 75 percent 4,680 4,222 90 111,858 33.9   974 21 3,028 0.9
Percent male enrollment                    
0–44 percent 860 806 94 28,474 56.7   203 24 1,210 2.4
45–55 percent 12,587 11,818 94 456,986 52.8   3,139 25 12,465 1.4
More than 55 percent 1,047 934 89 30,367 47.9   191 18 2,029 3.2
Student-to-teacher ratio7                    
Less than 12 students 6,123 5,601 91 158,441 47.1   1,326 22 5,434 1.6
12–16 students 5,647 5,311 94 200,269 50.6   1,280 23 6,234 1.6
More than 16 students 2,723 2,646 97 157,118 63.8   926 34 4,036 1.6
Number of classroom changes8                    
0–3 changes 607 555 91 14,749 45.1   108 18 379 1.2
4–6 changes 5,633 5,242 93 224,431 57.3   1,549 28 6,768 1.7
More than 6 changes 8,253 7,762 94 276,647 49.9   1,875 23 8,557 1.5
Regular use of law enforcement9                    
Regular use 9,341 9,028 97 366,163 52.6   2,456 26 12,380 1.8
No regular use 5,152 4,530 88 149,664 53.0   1,077 21 3,324 1.2
Number of serious discipline problems10                    
No problems 6,819 6,049 89 168,350 40.6   1,151 17 3,488 0.8
1 problem 2,998 2,945 98 89,059 42.5   869 29 3,955 1.9
2 problems 2,281 2,188 96 105,728 64.5   552 24 2,633 1.6
3 or more problems 2,395 2,376 99 152,690 80.1   961 40 5,628 3.0
Transfers as a percentage of enrollment11                    
0 to 6 percent 2,868 2,612 91 65,390 32.6   649 23 2,244 1.1
6 to 11 percent 3,235 3,001 93 83,723 41.6   826 26 2,528 1.3
11 to 21 percent 4,577 4,229 92 185,184 62.4   882 19 4,217 1.4
21 percent or more 3,813 3,716 97 181,530 64.9   1,176 31 6,714 2.4
Prevalence of schoolwide disruptions12                    
No disruptions 12,980 12,099 93 454,962 53.0   3,099 24 12,928 1.5
Any disruptions 1,513 1,460 96 60,866 50.8   434 29 2,776 2.3
Percent of students absent on a daily basis                    
0–2 percent 1,143 996 87 28,179 39.6   177 16 1,038 1.5
3–5 percent 7,800 7,232 93 253,306 48.7   1,743 22 7,496 1.4
6–10 percent 4,896 4,700 96 212,021 61.4   1,398 29 6,470 1.9
More than 10 percent 653 631 97 22,321 53.4   214 33 700 1.7
See notes at end of table.

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