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School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)

Table 12.  Percentage of public elementary schools reporting that specified disciplinary actions were available but not feasible, available but not used, available and used, or not available, by selected disciplinary actions: 1999–2000

Disciplinary action Available, but not feasible to use Available
but not used
and used
Removal or transfer for at least 1 year        
Removal with no continuing school services 9 53 5 33
Transfer to specialized school1 for disciplinary reasons 5 42 25 28
Transfer to another regular school 5 49 13 33
Transfer to school-provided tutoring/at-home instruction 7 56 12 25
Suspension or removal for less than 1 year        
Out-of-school suspension or removal for less than 1 year        
No curriculum/services provided 6 37 26 31
Curriculum/services provided 4 49 33 13
In-school suspension        
No curriculum/services provided 6 28 19 47
Curriculum/services provided 2 18 64 16
Provide instruction/counseling to reduce problems        
Referral to school counselor 1 4 87 8
Assigned to program designed to reduce disciplinary problem        
During school hours 1 11 54 33
Outside of school hours 3 14 29 54
Punishment/withdrawal of services/other        
Kept off school bus due to misbehavior 1 12 79 7
Corporal punishment 2 9 14 76
Put on school probation with threatened consequences
if another incident occurs
1 21 55 24
Detention and/or Saturday school 2 8 54 35
Loss of student privileges 7 89 4
Require participation in community service 4 17 19 60
‡ Reporting standards not met.
1 Specialized school was defined for respondents as, "a school that is specifically for students who were referred for disciplinary reasons. The school may also have students who were referred for other reasons. The school may be at the same location as your school."
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. "At school/at your school" was defined for respondents as including activities happening in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, and at places that are holding school-sponsored events or activities. Respondents were instructed to, unless the survey specified otherwise, only respond for those times that were during normal school hours or when school activities/events were in session.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), 2000.

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