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School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)

Table 4.  Number and percentage of public schools reporting student threats of physical attack and incidents of robbery that occurred at school, the number of incidents, and the rate of incidents per 1,000 students, by selected school characteristics: School year 2005–06 (Table 4—Continued)

  Student threat of physical attack with a weapon1    Student threat of physical attack without a weapon1
School characteristic  Num-
ber of schools
cent of schools
ber of incidents
  Rate per 1000 students   Num-
of schools
cent of schools
ber of incidents
  Rate per 1000 students
All public schools  7,330   9   24,770   1   43,420   52   532,600   11
Primary  3,360   7   13,080 ! 1   20,260   42   186,220   8
Middle  1,950   13   5,960   1   10,970   71   188,820   19
High school  1,490   13   4,680   #   8,290   71   123,840   10
Combined  530 ! 7 ! 1,060 ! #   3,900   53   33,730   11
Enrollment size                               
Less than 300  1,360   7       8,240   40   44,350   10
300–499  1,600   7   2,360   #   11,830   50   110,800   12
500–999  2,880   10   8,890   #   16,110   55   227,390   12
1,000 or more  1,490   16   5,410   #   7,250   78   150,070   11
City  2,530   12   14,750 ! 1   11,610   55   188,900   13
Urban fringe  2,240   8   6,050   #   14,710   53   190,270   10
Town  540   7   920   #   4,520   55   47,710   12
Rural  2,020   8   3,060   #   12,580   48   105,720   11
Crime level where
    students live6
High  1,120   17       3,980   61   102,880   26
Moderate  1,520   10   5,360   1   9,930   62   136,460   14
Low  3,520   7   6,890   #   23,490   47   218,780   8
Mixed  1,170   11   2,550   #   6,010   57   74,480   11
Percent minority
Less than 5 percent  1,120   7   2,590   #   7,790   47   60,780   9
5 to 20 percent  1,810   9   4,970   #   9,850   48   95,650   8
20 to 50 percent  1,470   8       10,360   56   117,800   10
50 percent or more  2,850   11   8,180   #   14,130   55   242,040   14
Percent of students
    eligible for free
    or reduced-price
0–20 percent  1,180   6   2,630   #   8,680   45   73,700   6
21–50 percent  2,770   10   6,300   #   15,340   55   184,210   11
More than 50 percent  3,380   9   15,840 ! 1   19,400   53   274,690   15
Percent of students
    below 15th per-
    centile on stan-
    dardized tests
0–5 percent  1,900   6   4,480   #   13,170   45   114,850   7
6–15 percent  2,890   9   6,920   #   17,430   53   190,850   10
More than 15 percent  2,550   12   13,370 ! 1   12,820   61   226,910   17
Percent of students
    likely to attend
0–35 percent  2,450   11   12,610 ! 1   13,640   60   210,780   18
36–60 percent  2,510   10   6,600   #   12,950   52   156,720   11
More than 60 percent  2,370   7   5,570   #   16,830   47   165,110   7
Percent of students
    who consider
    academic achieve-
    ment important
0–25 percent  650   11   2,460   1   3,570   62   69,410   24
26–50 percent  1,760   11   3,730   #   9,510   60   118,640   14
51–75 percent  2,760   11   6,370   #   14,600   60   175,500   13
More than 75 percent  2,170   6       15,750   42   169,050   8
Percent male enrollment                               
0–44 percent  370 ! 7 ! 2,450 ! 1   2,710   48   28,370   10
45–55 percent  6,320   9   20,850 ! 1   36,700   54   460,160   11
More than 55 percent  650   7   1,470   #   4,010   43   44,070   11
Student-to-FTE ratio8                              
Less than 12 students  3,250   8   7,010   #   19,870   47   215,430   12
12–16 students  2,260   8       14,950   55   190,270   11
More than 16 students  1,830   13   5,850   #   8,600   61   126,910   11
Number of class-
    room changes9
0–3 changes  1,370   6       7,470   33   80,550   8
4–6 changes  3,770   10   9,920   #   20,180   56   238,600   11
More than 6 changes  2,200   9   6,520   #   15,770   63   213,450   14
Regular use of law
Regular use  4,000   12   11,580   #   21,980   63   338,690   13
No regular use  3,330   7   13,190 ! 1   21,440   44   193,910   9
Number of serious
    discipline pro-
No problems  3,130   6   5,220   #   23,730   42   185,170   6
1 problem  1,540   12   4,720   1   8,720   66   115,910   14
2 problems  1,130   16   2,370   #   5,300   76   79,830   16
3 or more problems  1,540   23       5,660   83   151,690   29
Transfers as a per-
    centage of enroll-
0 to 6 percent  1,040   7   2,530   #   6,380   40   69,570   8
6 to 11 percent  1,280   7   2,900   #   8,470   47   80,710   8
11 to 21 percent  2,000   9   5,050   #   12,650   56   137,700   11
21 percent or more  3,010   11   14,280 ! 1   15,920   59   244,620   15
Prevalence of school-
    wide disruptions13
No disruptions  6,710   9   22,380   1   39,360   51   453,220   10
Any disruptions  620   11   2,390 ! 1   4,060   74   79,390   18
Percent of students
    absent on a
    daily basis
0–2 percent  640 ! 7   810   #   3,380   39   24,860   6
3–5 percent  3,460   8   7,800   #   21,830   50   231,580   9
6–10 percent  2,490   10   13,860 ! 1   14,650   60   221,720   14
More than 10 percent  740   11   2,300   1   3,570   55   54,440   14
See notes at end of table.

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