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The mission of NDIC is to provide strategic drug-related intelligence, document and computer exploitation support, and training assistance

to the drug control, public health, law enforcement, and intelligence communities of the United States

in order to reduce the adverse effects of drug trafficking, drug abuse, and other drug-related criminal activity.

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Press Release January 18, 2008

For Immediate Release January 18, 2008

Printable Copy (pdf)

Contact: Steve Frank
(202) 532-4607

National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) Receives Award from the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)

Johnstown, PA - On January 17, 2008, Mr. John Walters, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy recognized Intelligence Analyst Carla Horvath of the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), for her efforts in support of the National Marijuana Initiative (NMI) during a ceremony honoring federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement and intelligence personnel involved with the disruption of illicit marijuana production. Ms. Horvath received a National Marijuana Eradication Award for her work on the recent Domestic Cannabis Cultivation Assessment 2007, a comprehensive national-level, strategic assessment of cannabis cultivation and marijuana production in the United States.

NDIC Director Michael F. Walther and Ms. Horvath, who authored the report, accepted the award. In presenting the award, Mr. Walters said, "Teenage drug use rates have been declining over recent years, with marijuana use down 25 percent from 2001, and law enforcement operations are making a decisive difference. But drug addiction and trafficking represent a serious threat to all of our communities, and that is why it is so important to highlight the dedication, service, and commitment of law enforcement and intelligence personnel and military officers like Carla Horvath, who is committed to the public's safety and security." Commenting on the award, Mr. Walther said, "Ms. Horvath exemplifies the dedication and professionalism of NDIC's staff of intelligence analysts."

In 2007, the NMI resulted in the eradication of a record number of marijuana plants in both outdoor and indoor marijuana grows. More than 6.4 million marijuana plants were eradicated in outdoor grows, including 3.2 million on Federal public lands. Another 354,000 were eradicated in indoor marijuana grows. In addition to the eradication efforts, NMI-funded investigations have identified drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) that operate marijuana grows in several western states and in 2006, disrupted and dismantled 86 Mexican DTOs, who are primarily responsible for marijuana grows on public lands. NDIC's Assessment was credited for making a significant contribution to federal counter drug agencies by improving eradication strategies, focusing eradication efforts toward key growing areas and planning new marijuana eradication initiatives.

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