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  Electrochemical Remediation Technologies (ECRTs) – In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Marine Sediments, Innovative Technology Evaluation Report (PDF) (74 pp, 5.28 MB) (EPA/540/R-04/507) June 2007

This Innovative Technology Evaluation Report summarizes the results of the evaluation of the Electrochemical Remediation Technologies (ECRTs) process, developed by P2-Soil Remediation, Inc., in partnership with Weiss Associates and Electro-Petroleum, Inc.

This evaluation was conducted between August 2002 and March 2003 in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology. The demonstration consisted of an evaluation of ECRTs’ process. This process uses an AC/DC current passed between an electrode pair (anode and cathode) in sediment to mineralize organic contaminants through the ElectroChemicalGeoOxidation process or complex. Then metal contaminants, deposited at the electrodes through the induced complexation process, are mobilized and removed.

The demonstration of the ECRTs process was conducted at the Georgia Pacific, Inc. (G-P) Log Pond located along the Whatcom Waterway in Bellingham Bay, Bellingham, Washington. This demonstration was designed to evaluate the ability of the ECRTs process to reduce concentrations of mercury, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and phenolic compounds.

For the demonstration, Weiss Associates (Emeryville, CA) installed, operated, and removed the ECRTs pilot test equipment from the Log Pond site. Faulk Doering of Stuttgart, Germany, provided oversight and consultation for system installation and operation. Installation of the pilot-study infrastructure involved placing nine anode (steel plates) and nine cathode (graphite plates) electrodes in two parallel rows into the sediments.

The G-P Log Pond is a marine embayment that served as a log storage and handling area and receiving water for facility effluent and storm water runoff. The ECRTs project area was 50 feet by 50 feet within a pre-characterized area of the G-P Log Pond known to contain elevated concentrations of mercury, phenolics, and PAHs. However, based on results from a preliminary survey, mercury was identified as the most ubiquitous and consistently elevated contaminant relative to Washington State Sediment Management Standards Sediment Quality Standards and Cleanup Screening Levels. These levels are used in Puget Sound to determine impacted sediments that require remediation under state law.

The primary technical objective of the demonstration was to determine whether there was a significant trend in the reduction of sediment mercury concentrations over the period of the demonstration. Reference area samples were collected for comparison to determine whether treatment differed from natural attenuation. The experimental design was based on significant mercury reduction from baseline to post-treatment sampling events. The primary objective is not associated with a percent reduction. Instead, the primary objective was to determine a statistically significant negative trend over time. Samples of the cap material and the underlying native material were used to evaluate potential migration of all contaminants, including mercury, PAHs, and phenolics.

An assessment of the sediment chemistry results indicated a less-than-anticipated performance due in part to system operational problems encountered during the course of the demonstration. Electrical readings collected by the technology’s sponsor indicated a steady degradation of system performance throughout the duration of the demonstration, resulting in an early shutdown of the system prior to completion of the planned test period.

In addition, when the electrodes were removed from the test plot, it was evident that the connections between the electrical supply and anode electrode plates had completely corroded to the point that a viable contact had not been maintained.


Randy Parker

See Also

Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation

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