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Computer Aided Process Engineering


Chemical Process Simulation has long been used as a design tool for choosing between various process options. The CAPE-OPEN project, funded by the European Union, has undertaken the task of defining a common application framework for computer-aided process engineering (CAPE). The project provides a middleware standard for chemical process simulation component models. This work builds upon the CAPE-OPEN framework to create a class library that can be used to develop process modeling components (PMCs) that may be used in any CAPE-OPEN-compliant simulation package.


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The following CAPE-OPEN files may be freely downloaded, copied, and distributed.
File/Date Description
02/20/09 CAPE-OPEN Class Library (MSI) (Microsoft Windows Installer, 6.2 MB)
07/30/08 Class Library Documentation (PDF) (12 pp, 877 KB)

Available Publications:

Barrett, W.M. and Yang, J., (2005) "Development of a chemical process modeling environment based on CAPE-OPEN interface standards and the Microsoft .NET framework," Computers and Chemical Engineering 30(2):191-201.

Barrett, W.M and P. Harten (2004) “The USEPA’s Metal Finishing Facility Pollution Prevention Tool (MFFP2T).” Presented at the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers, Conference for Environmental and Process Excellence, Orlando.

Barrett, W.M and P. Harten (2003) “Implementation of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Metal Finishing Facility Pollution Prevention Tool (MFFP2T)” Presented at the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers, Conference for Environmental and Process Excellence, Daytona Beach.

Barrett, W.M. (2003) Environmental Protection Agency’s Metal Finishing Facility Pollution Prevention Tool, National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, Louisville.

Barrett, W.M. and Harten, P. (2003). Use of Computer-Aided Process Engineering Tool in Pollution Prevention. The Eighteenth International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia.

Barrett, W.M. and Harten, P. (2003). Development of the US EPA’s Metal Finishing Pollution Prevention Tool. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Lappeenranta, Finland.

Barrett, W.M and P. Harten (2002) “Development Of The Metal Finishing Facility Risk Screening Tool (MFFRST). Plating and Surface Finishing 89(9): 77-84.

Barrett, W.M. and Harten, P. (2002). Enhancement of the US EPA’s Metal Finishing Facility Risk Screening Tool (MFFRST), American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society/United States Environmental Protection Agency Conference for Environmental Excellence, Orlando.

Related Links:

CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network (CoLaN) Exit EPA Disclaimer: Expanding Process Modelling Capability
through Software Interoperability Standards! CO-LaN (the CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network) is a neutral industry and academic association promoting open interface standards in process simulation software. CO-LaN members are committed to making Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) easier, faster and less expensive by achieving complete interoperability of CO compliant commercial CAPE software tools. CO-LaN supports and maintain CAPE-OPEN interface standards.

COCO - The CAPE-OPEN to CAPE-OPEN Simulation Environment Exit EPA Disclaimer

See Also:

Chemical Process Simulation for Waste Reduction: WAR Algorithm

EPA Principal Investigator:

Bill Barrett

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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