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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Health and sanitation. - 1915.97

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1915
• Part Title: Occup. Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment
• Subpart: F
• Subpart Title: General Working Conditions
• Standard Number: 1915.97
• Title: Health and sanitation.

The provisions of this section shall apply to ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking, except where indicated otherwise.
The employer shall provide all necessary controls, and the employees shall be protected by suitable personal protective equipment against the hazards identified in § 1915.1200 of this part and those hazards for which specific precautions are required in subparts B, C, and D of this part.
The employer shall provide adequate washing facilities for employees engaged in the application of paints or coatings or in other operations where contaminants can, by ingestion or absorption, be detrimental to the health of the employees. The employer shall encourage good personal hygiene practices by informing the employees of the need for removing surface contaminants by thorough washing or hands and face prior to eating or smoking.
The employer shall not permit employees to eat or smoke in areas undergoing surface preparation or preservation or where shipbreaking operations produce atmospheric contaminants.
The employer shall not permit employees engaged in ship repair work on a vessel to work in the immediate vicinity of uncovered garbage and shall ensure that employees working beneath or on the outboard side of a vessel are not subject to contamination by drainage or waste from overboard discharges.
No minor under 18 years of age shall be employed in shipbreaking or related employments.

[52 FR 31886, Aug. 24, 1987; 67 FR 44543, July 3, 2002]

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