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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Chemical paint and preservative removers. - 1915.33

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1915
• Part Title: Occup. Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment
• Subpart: C
• Subpart Title: Surface Preparation and Preservation
• Standard Number: 1915.33
• Title: Chemical paint and preservative removers.


Employees shall be protected against skin contact during the handling and application of chemical paint and preservative removers and shall be protected against eye injury by goggles or face shields in accordance with the requirements of subpart I of this part.


When using flammable paint and preservative removers, precautions shall be taken in accordance with the requirements of 1915.36.


When using chemical paint and preservative removers which contain volatile and toxic solvents, such as benzol, acetone and amyl acetate, the provisions of 1915.32 shall be applicable.


When using paint and rust removers containing strong acids or alkalis, employees shall be protected by suitable face shields to prevent chemical burns on the face and neck.


When steam guns are used, all employees working within range of the blast shall be protected by suitable face shields. Metal parts of the steam gun itself shall be insulated to protect the operator against heat burns.

[61 FR 26321, May 24, 1996]

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