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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Payments, expenses, reimbursement, entertainment, etc., from non-Government sources. - 2202.14

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 2202
• Part Title: Rules of Ethics and Conduct of Review Commission Employees
• Subpart: D
• Subpart Title: Gifts, Fees, Entertainment, Favors
• Standard Number: 2202.14
• Title: Payments, expenses, reimbursement, entertainment, etc., from non-Government sources.


    In general, Decision B-1285727 of the Comptroller General dated March 7, 1967, restricts receipt of reimbursement for travel, subsistence, or other expenses from private sources by an employee on official business or agency orders. This decision or other regulations in this part do not restrict acceptance of contributions, awards, travel, subsistence, and other expenses from nonprofit organizations, authorized by 5 U. S. C. 4111 and regulations issued thereunder; provided, that an employee may not, without the written permission of the Chairman (except as allowed by §2202.16(a)(6)), accept from nongovernmental sources any payments, expenses, reimbursements, entertainment, or other item of economic value incident to training, attendance at meetings of any kind, or other activities, if such training, meetings, or activities are attended or performed wholly or partially within periods when he is on duty or at such time as OSHRC pays any expenses incident thereto in whole or in part. Such authorization may not be granted where prohibited by law or Decision B-128527 of the Comptroller General and may only be granted if acceptance of the contribution, award, or payment:


    Would not reflect unfavorably on the ability of the employee to carry out his official duties in a fair and objective manner;


    would not compromise the honesty and integrity of the Government programs or of Government employees and their official actions or decisions;



    would be compatible with the Code of Ethics of Government Service expressed in House Concurrent Resolution 175, 85th Congress, second session;


    would otherwise be proper and ethical for the employee concerned under the circumstances in his particular case, and


    if the contribution, award, or payment is not a reward for services to the organization prior to the training or meeting. Authorization shall be limited to receipt of bona fide reimbursement for actual expenses of travel and other necessary subsistence for which no Government payment or reimbursement is made. However, an employee may not be reimbursed and payment may not be made on his behalf for excessive personal living expenses, gifts, entertainment, or other personal benefits.

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