BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Bahrain Local time: 09:59 PM

International Market Insights (IMI)

International Market Insights are short profiles prepared on specific market conditions or opportunities in Bahrain. These non-formatted reports include information on dynamic sectors of Bahrain. International Market Insights are available on the National Trade Data Bank.

Commercial specialists in Bahrain also regularly report on specific foreign market conditions and upcoming opportunities for U.S. business. IMI's cover a variety of topics, such as:

  • Competition
  • Trade laws and regulations
  • Business customs
  • Economic/Trade statistics
  • Trade contacts
  • Trade show opportunities
  • Market and industry profiles
  • Recent market developments
  • Multi-lateral development bank projects
  • Upcoming major projects and purchases
  • Monetary/fiscal measures affecting trade
  • Trade promotion services and publications