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Clickable Image

National Climatic Data Center


National Oceanographic Data Center


National Snow and Ice Data Center


National Ice Center


National Geophysical Data Center


National Environmental Data Index (NOAA)


Listing of Archived Data Centers & Data Resources


NOAA Storm Prediction Center Climatological Data


NASA Global Change Master Directory


USGCRP Global Change Data and Information System


National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)


NSDI Entry Point to Geospatial Data Clearinghouse


Air Force Combat Climatology Center


Fleet Numerical METOC Detachment, Asheville, North Carolina


Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution (OSDPD)


NOAA Satellite Active Archive


Regional Climate Centers


World Data Center for Meteorology


NCAR's Data Support Section


List of Free NCAR Data Support Section Datasets


NCAR's Data Set Catalog


Snow and Ice Data Links


National Surface Weather Data Networks


Regional Surface Weather Data Networks


State/Local Weather Data Networks


Surface Radiation Data Networks


Upper Air Data Links


FSL Radiosonde Database Access


EPA Air Quality Subsystem


DOE Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center


DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program


Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory




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Climate Links Climate Prediction Climate Data Climate Programs Climate Research International Climate Sites Degree Programs