

To:                   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Directorate        

                        U.S. Geological Survey Executive Leadership


From:               Chip Groat       (signed) Chip Groat

                        Steve Williams


Subject:            Improving the Scientific Support for Natural Resource Management


Date:                July 1, 2003


In recent months, we Directors have met several times to discuss how our two bureaus can work cooperatively to improve the scientific support for natural resource management.  The ever escalating complexity of natural resource conservation demands scientific information that is rigorous, timely and relevant.  In turn, that requires clear communication and understanding of information needs and priorities.  We intend to meet these growing challenges and we need your energy, expertise and talents in that effort.


It is evident that greater cooperation between the bureaus, at all levels, is necessary. Examples of excellent cooperation between the bureaus are easy to find, but they are not universal.  We can and must do better at institutionalizing that excellence if we are to meet the challenges of tomorrow.  Personally, we intend to increase our level of communication and cooperation, by meeting at least monthly to discuss scientific needs and priorities.  In late-summer or fall, we will host a joint retreat between the Service Directorate and the USGS Executive Leadership, at the National Conservation Training Center, in Shepherdstown, WV.  At that retreat we will all share perspectives and information, build upon our personal and professional relationships, and come away with some concrete steps that we will take to improve the scientific support for natural resource management.  We need additional commitment from you and are asking you to immediately take the following steps:


1.         U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Directors will ensure that the Service is represented (at the Regional Directorate level) at the annual coordinating committee meeting of every Cooperative Research Unit.  The Service’s Regional Research Coordinator will attend every meeting, providing common representation of all programs, and will be accompanied by a Regional Directorate member.


2.         USGS Regional Directors and Associate Directors will seek appropriate participation of senior FWS staff in upcoming strategic planning and program meetings at the regional and national levels and will encourage FWS participation in USGS planning.


3.         FWS Regional Directors and Assistant Directors will seek appropriate participation of senior USGS staff in upcoming Regional Directorate, project leader, and program meetings and will encourage USGS participation in FWS planning.


4.         Regional Directors from both bureaus will meet at least annually to discuss needs and priorities.  They will distribute a joint memo to their executive staff, summarizing the discussion and decisions (copying the bureau directors).


5.         Associate Directors from the Survey and Assistant Directors from the Service will meet at least annually to discuss needs and priorities.  They will distribute a joint memo to their executive staff, summarizing the discussion and decisions (copying the bureau directors).


6.         At least annually, each Regional Director, Assistant Director and Associate Director will visit a field station of the corresponding bureau (for example, the Associate Director for Biology could join the Regional Director, Region 3 in a visit to a Cooperative Research Unit and a National Wildlife Refuge).


7.         All Service and Survey Executives will facilitate and support to the extent possible the co-location of individuals from their respective bureaus in the offices of the other to promote communication and common program planning. 


Through these steps, and undoubtedly others that you will take as a matter of your individual and personal commitment, we will strengthen our collective understanding for the steps that must be taken to improve the scientific support for natural resource management.



Cc        Assistant Secretary, Water and Science

            Assistant Secretary, Fish and Wildlife and Parks