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ORD Initiative To Report Results of Invasive Species Threat Assessment, Detection, and Effects Forecasting for Great Lakes

On March 5, 2009, ORD scientists from NCEA, NERL, and NHEERL will visit the Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) and Region 5 in Chicago to present the findings of the ORD Great Lakes Invasive Species Initiative. GLNPO and Region 5 have been the primary clients of the initiative, and the visit on March 5 will be the third meeting that has encompassed planning, progress, and outcomes.

The ORD Great Lakes Initiative included a wide array of topics but had three primary emphasis areas: (1) predict the spread of potential invasive species that are likely to become established and reach nuisance levels, (2) develop and implement monitoring protocols using conventional and advanced techniques in high-risk areas, and (3) predict the potential ecosystem impacts of invasive species on the lower food web.

ORD speakers on the agenda are as follows. Russell Kreis (NHEERL-MED) and Michael Slimak (NCEA-HQ) will present an introduction and overview of the initiative and will facilitate a discussion on next steps and future considerations. Victor Serveiss (NCEA-HQ) will provide results of the GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Prediction) invasive species modeling for potential invaders and geographical spread. Jack Kelly (NHEERL-MED) will discuss findings and outcomes for early detection monitoring techniques. John Darling (NERL-Cincinnati) will provide results of advanced molecular/DNA diagnosis detection methods. David Miller (NHEERL-MED) will present results of invasive species effects on lower food web productivity and abundance.

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