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National Governors Association
NGA is the only bipartisan national organization of, by, and for the nations' Governors. Through NGA, the Governors identify priority issues and deal collectively with issues of public policy and governance at both the national and state levels.

Jason Lumia
Director, Economic Development and Commerce Committee
202-624-5311 phone
202-624-5313 fax

National Association of Counties
NACo was created in 1935 to ensure that the nation's 3066 counties are heard and understood in the White House and the halls of Congress. NACo's membership totals almost 2,000 counties, representing over 75 percent of the nation's population.

Bob Fogel,
Associate Legislative Director
(202) 942-4217

Jeff Arnold
Deputy Director, Legislative Affairs
(202) 942-4286
(202) 942-4281 fax

National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors
NATOA represents the telecommunications needs and interests of local governments, and those who advise local governments, and is comprised of local government agencies, local government staff and public officials, as well as consultants, attorneys, and engineers who consult local governments on their telecommunciations needs.

Libby Beaty,
Executive Dir.
(703) 506-3275
(703) 506-3266 fax

U.S. Conference of Mayors
USCM is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are about 1,100 such cities in the country today. Each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor.

Ron Thaniel
Assistant Executive Director
(202) 293-7330
(202) 293-2352 fax

National League of Cities
NLC's mission is to strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportunity, leadership, and governance. NLC was established in 1924 by and for reform-minded state municipal leagues. NLC now represents 49 leagues, more than 1,700 member cities, and through the membership of the state municipal leagues, NLC represents more than 18,000 cities and towns of all sizes.

Juan Otero
Principal Legislative Counsel
(202) 626-3022
(202) 626-3043 fax

Doug Peterson,
Senior Policy Analyst
(202) 626-3175

National Conference of State Legislators
NCSL's mission is to improve the quality and effectiveness of state legislatures, foster interstate communication and cooperation, and ensure legislatures a strong, cohesive voice in the federal system.

Neal Osten
(202) 624-5400
(202) 737-1069 fax

Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Services
Federal and state regulators have joined forces to bring broadband services to all Americans, including high-speed Internet access to rural, inner-city and underserved areas.

Emily Hoffnar
(202) 418-7396
(202) 418-0520 fax

FCC Low Power FM Radio Service Home Page
The FCC recently adopted rules creating a new, noncommercial low power FM radio (LPFM) service, with maximum power levels of 10 watts - reaching an area with a radius of between 1 and 2 miles - and 100 watts - reaching an area with a radius of approximately 3 ½ miles.


FCC Enhanced 911 Home Page
The FCC's ongoing proceeding to determine how wireless telephones can best be used to connect customers with emergency services, similar to the way 911 calls are made on wireline phones.


The States Inventory Project
On-line clearinghouse that tracks how states are planning, regulating, deploying, and using their information infrastructures.

FCC List of State Agencies that Regulate the Intrastate Telecom Industry
Many questions and complaints about local phone service can best be handled by the telecommunications regulatory authority in your state. This Common Carrier Bureau list provides the names and phone numbers of these state agencies.


last reviewed/updated on 8/20/03 

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