Veterans Affairs banner with U.S. FlagVeterans Affairs banner with U.S. Flag

The Center For Veterans Enterprise Web Portal

Our Products

Our Products are available at no charge

1. web portal information services offers convenient, two-way communications between government, corporate and owner communities.

2. Vendor Information Pages database of verified businesses

3. Toll-free business and procurement coaching support: This is the core of what we do. Call us when you have a question. Call us when you want clarification of what you already know. Call us when you think something is not right. We want to know what is happening with you as you try to sell your products and services to the Government or its prime contractors. We want to know what is happening with you as a government or corporate official trying to support this program. We especially want to hear from you with improvement ideas!! Veterans, call us toll-free at 1.866.584.2344, Monday-Friday, 7AM – 5PM Eastern Time.

4. Free delivery of FedBizOpps notices and notices from VA’s Forecast of Contracting Opportunities, customized to your specifications

5. Assistance Program Pages database: find specialists who will help your business in Start-up, Finance, Training, Procurement and Business Development.

6. Business Owners’ Toolkit: Keep the legislation, executive order, acquisition regulations, applicable code of federal regulations citations and other key files right on your flash drive or laptop. This helps when meeting individuals who are new or unfamiliar with the program. This product is co-branded with the General Services Administration.

7. Customized Business Process maps: As a future or current business owner, you can face unknowns daily. We’re available to coach you to the next step and we’re good listeners. We like hearing what is happening with you because other owners may be looking at similar questions or obstacles. Our business map will help you figure out when to drive forward, when to slow down and when to turn in order to reach your destination.

8. Customized market research reports: If you have money to spend, we want to help you make a decision to spend it with veteran-owned businesses. We know how busy acquisition teams can be, so we’ll run the database queries if you want us to do so.

9. Customized awareness briefings and community outreach programs: next to our call center support, this may be the second most favorite thing we do. We travel to where you do business, meet face-to-face, learn what your life is really like and try to offer help. What’s not to like about that?

10. VetFran: discounted franchising support through International Franchise Association franchisors; more than 1,000 veterans have taken advantage of this program since 2002.

11. Trending reports: This is really good stuff. We are fierce in searching for numbers to trend. So far, we’ve published trend lines for Federal agencies’ SDVOSB achievements since Fiscal Year 2001. We’re hoping to get similar trend charts done for subcontracting achievements. We also do other work like monitor the growth of businesses over time. Sometimes, we scratch our heads and try to make sense of it all. Most of the time, we simply say “Aha! Look at that!”

12. Awards and Recognition Programs: OK, forget everything that came before this. We really, really, like the awards program. We host this each year in June, on or around Flag Day. We honor Enterprising Veterans who exemplify the motto: Veterans in Business - Still Serving America! We celebrate the work of the advocates selected as Champions of Veterans Enterprise. While it may not be a big to-do by other award program standards, these ceremonies are very special to us.

13. Our Briefing Materials: We have a great DVD library that explains our program. We have some really fantastic posters. We make these available at no charge to offices that want to visually display their support for veterans in business. We have some very professional Executive brochures and a nice product catalog that offers a lot of detail on our offerings. In addition, and these, too, are more favorites – we will customize a Then and Now poster for business owners (give us a photo of the owner in military uniform and a second photo as the business owner today), we will put the owner’s name and business name on it for posting at the company’s headquarters. This also works for contracting teams who make awards to these owners. Another offering for owners is the 3-minute video clip they can post to our database.



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