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Kenneth L. Schere

Ken Schere
AMAD Staff


Professional Experience:

2008 - Present: Senior Science Advisor, USEPA/ORD/NERL/AMAD, Research Triangle Park, NC

2007 - 2008: Senior Science Advisor, NOAA Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division (in partnership with USEPA/NERL), Research Triangle Park, NC

1998 - 2007: Branch Chief, Atmospheric Model Development Branch, NOAA Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division (in partnership with USEPA/NERL), Research Triangle Park, NC

1995 - 1998: Program Manager, USEPA North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone, Research Triangle Park, NC

1975 - 1995: Meteorologist, NOAA Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division (in partnership with USEPA), Research Triangle Park, NC

Professional Activities and Memberships:

Awards and Honors:

Selected Publications:

Yu, S., R. Mathur, D. Kang, K. Schere, and D. Tong, 2008: A study of the ozone formation by ensemble back trajectory-process analysis using the Eta-CMAQ forecast model over the northeastern U.S. during the 2004 ICARTT period. Atmos. Environ., in press

Yu, S., R. Mathur, K. Schere, D. Kang, J. Pleim, J. Young, D. Tong, G. Pouliot, S.A. McKeen, and S.T. Rao, 2008: Evaluation of real-time PM2.5 formation over the eastern United States using the Eta-CMAQ forecast model during the 2004 ICARTT study, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D06204, doi:10.1029/2007JD009226.

Mathur, R., S. Yu, D. Kang, and K.L. Schere, 2008: Assessment of the wintertime performance of developmental particulate matter forecasts with the Eta-Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D02303, doi:10.1029/2007JD008580.

Tong, D., R. Mathur, K. Schere, D. Kang, and S. Yu, 2007: The use of air quality forecasts to assess impacts of air pollution on crops: Methodology and case study, Atmos. Environ., 41:8772-8784.

Yu, S., R. Mathur, K. Schere, D. Kang, J. Pleim, and T. L. Otte, 2007: A detailed evaluation of the Eta-CMAQ forecast model performance for O3, its related precursors, and meteorological parameters during the 2004 ICARTT study, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D12S14, doi:10.1029/2006JD007715.

D. Kang, R. Mathur, K. Schere, S. Yu and B. Eder, 2007: New Categorical Metrics for Air Quality Model Evaluation, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 46:549-555.

Yu, S., R. Mathur, D. Kang, K. Schere, B. Eder, and J. Pleim, 2006: Performance and diagnostic evaluation of ozone predictions by the Eta-Community Multiscale Air Quality Forecast System during the 2002 New England Air Quality Study. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 56:1459-1471.

Eder, B., D. Kang, R. Mathur, and K. Schere, 2006: An operational evaluation of the Eta-CMAQ air quality forecast model. Atmospheric Environment, 40(26):4894-4905.

Byun, D., and K.L. Schere, 2006: Review of the Governing Equations, Computational Algorithms, and Other Components of the Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System. Applied Mechanics Reviews 59:51-77.

Yu, S., R. Dennis, S. Roselle, A. Nenes, J. Walker, B. Eder, K. Schere, J. Swall, and W. Robarge, 2005: An assessment of the ability of three-dimensional air quality models with current thermodynamic equilibrium models to predict aerosol NO3-,J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2004JD004718.

Otte, T. L., G. Pouliot, J. E. Pleim, J. O. Young, K. L. Schere, D. C. Wong, P. C. S. Lee, M. Tsidulko, J. T. McQueen, P. Davidson, R. Mathur, H.-Y. Chuang, G. DiMego, and N. L. Seaman, 2005: Linking the Eta Model with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System to build a national air quality forecasting system. Wea. Forecasting, 20, 367-384.

Byun, D., and K.L. Schere, 2004: Review of the Governing Equations, Computational Algorithms, and Other Components of the Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System. Applied Mechanics Reviews (in press).

Stockwell, W.R., R.S. Artz, J.F. Meagher, R.A. Petersen, K.L. Schere, G.A. Grell, S.E. Peckham, A.F. Stein, R.V. Pierce, J.M. O’Sullivan, and P.Y. Whung, 2002: The scientific basis of NOAA’s air quality forecasting program. Environmental Manager, Dec. 2002, 20-27.

Schere, K.L., and G.M. Hidy, 2000: Foreword - NARSTO Critical Reviews. Atmospheric Environment, 34:1853-1860.

Wakamatsu, S., I. Uno, T. Ohara, and K.L. Schere, 1999: A study of the relationship between photochemical ozone and its precursor emissions of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in Tokyo and surrounding areas. Atmospheric Environment, 33:3097-3108.

Roselle, S.J. and K.L. Schere, 1995: Modeled response of photochemical oxidants to systematic reductions in anthropogenic volatile organic compond and NOx emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100:22929-22941.

Alapaty, K., D.T. Olerud, K.L. Schere, and A.F. Hanna, 1995: Sensitivity of Regional Oxidant Model predictions to prognostic and diagnostic meteorological fields. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 34:1787-1801.

Mathur, R., K.L. Schere, and A. Nathan, 1994: Dependencies and sensitivity of tropospheric oxidants to precursor concentrations over the Northeast United States: A model study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99:10535-10552.

Schere, K.L. and C.J. Coats, 1992: A stochastic methodology for regional wind field modeling. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31:1407-1425.

Roselle, S.J., T.E. Pierce, and K.L. Schere, 1991: The sensitivity of regional ozone modeling to biogenic hydrocarbons. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96:7371-7394.

Schere, K.L., 1988: Modeling ozone concentrations. Environmental Science & Technology, 22:488-495.

Wolff, G.T., J.L. Hanisch, K.L. Schere, R. Cahaly, 1988: The scientific and technical issues facing post-1987 ozone control strategies: A conference summary. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 38:895-900.

Schere, K.L., 1988: Prepared discussion on ozone air quality models. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 38:1114-1119.

Schere, K.L., 1983: An evaluation of several numerical advection schemes. Atmospheric Environment, 17:1897-1907.


Schere, K. Enhancing the Connectivity between Research and Applications- Air Pollution Meteorology and Atmospheric Chemistry Perspectives. 2008. AMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Schere, K. AMS/EPA Workshop on the Evaluation of Regional-Scale Air Quality Modeling Systems (7-8 August 2007): A Summary. 2007. Meeting of Cooperation in Science and Technology in Europe, Istanbul, Turkey.

Schere, K. Global Chemical Modeling – Relevance to Regional Air Quality Management. 2007. NOAA Atmospheric Chemical Modeling Workshop, Boulder, CO.

Schere, K., and G. Sarwar. Accuracy and Cost Considerations in Choosing a Chemical Mechanism for Operational Use. 2006. International Conference on Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms, Davis, CA at Univ. of California-Davis.

Schere, K. Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model - Current Status and Plans. 2006 Meeting of Cooperation in Science and Technology in Europe, Riso, Denmark.

Schere, K. Air Quality Model Evaluation-Forecasting and Retrospectives. 2006. NARSTO Workshop on Applications of Particulate Matter Models for Source Apportionment and Air Quality Management, Boulder, CO.

Schere, K. Emergence of numerical air quality forecast models and their applications. 2006. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Schere, K. Air Quality Modeling for the Twenty-First Century . 2005. NOAA/EPA Golden Jubilee Symposium on Air Quality Modeling and Its Applications, R.T.P., NC.

Schere, K. CMAQ Air Quality Modeling Developments. 2004. 29th Annual EPA-AWMA Information Exchange, Research Triangle Park, NC.

After working for NOAA at EPA's air quality research and development laboratories in Research Triangle Park, NC, for 33 years, I formally joined EPA in 2008. In my current position as the Senior Science Advisor in NERL’s Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division, I am responsible for strategic and tactical research planning and implementation of Division programs. My research specialty has been the development and evaluation of urban- and regional-scale photochemical air quality simulation models. My experience ranges from simple photochemical box-type models, to urban airshed models, to regional-scale (1000-3000 km) grid models. From 1988 through 1993, I served as EPA's manager for the regional oxidant modeling research program, and guided the research applications of the Regional Oxidant Model. From 1994 to 2000, I was the Program Manager of EPA's integrated ozone research program, linking the research efforts in chemistry, modeling, monitoring/field studies, methods development, and emissions. I co-chaired a NARSTO team that produced a major state-of-science assessment document (2000) of tropospheric ozone pollution in North America. I was the Chief of EPA’s Atmospheric Model Development Branch from 1998 to 2007, where I directed a group of 20 scientists in the development, application, and evaluation of the Models-3/Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system. I also serve on the Committee on Meteorological Aspects of Air Pollution of the American Meteorological Society, and the Committee on Mesoscale Meteorological Modeling Capabilities for Air Pollution and Dispersion Applications of the European Science Foundation.

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