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eTravel Service

Justice Management Division
Serving Justice - Securing Results

The electronic travel (eTravel) project is grounded in the President's e-Government (E-Gov) initiative and the Administration's commitment to employ the latest technology to create a more efficient, citizen-centered Federal Government. The eTravel project was launched in response to the President's Management Agenda. Its mission is to improve the Federal Government's internal efficiency and effectiveness.  eTravel is a collaborative, inter-agency initiative whose purpose is to realize operational efficiencies, cost-savings, and increased service to the Federal traveler through a common, automated, and integrated approach to managing Federal Government travel functions.

The eTravel Service (eTS) is part of the Management of Government Resources business area under the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Business Reference Model (BRM). Management of Government Resources refers to the back office support activities that enable the government to operate effectively.  eTS is in the Travel sub-function within the Administrative Management line of business. It involves the day-to-day management and maintenance of the internal infrastructure.  eTS is provided under a vendor-owned, vendor-hosted, vendor-operated model.  Consequently, the government does not own any infrastructure related to vendors' eTS solutions, and any reuse of the services or their components must be contracted for explicitly with the vendors.  GSA eTS overview.

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
Department of Justice
JMD / Finance Staff
600 E Street NW, BICN Suite 5137
Attn: eTS
Washington DC 20530

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Help Reading Documents

The Finance Staff provides its products in a variety of electronic formats to provide access to users with varying electronic capabilities. Some of these formats require interpreting applications you need to install on your computer as plug-ins to web browsers or stand-alone only applications.

Acrobat documents:
Using the portable document format (.pdf), Acrobat documents are full electronic renderings of published documents including the text, page layout and graphics that can be viewed and printed on any platform. A free reader appropriate for your computer is needed to view an Acrobat document. This reader can be used as a stand-alone or as a plug-in within a web browser to view documents as they are downloaded from the Internet. Instructions on using this software as a plug-in should be available with your web browser. 

Many tables from our reports and some additional data are available in the .wk1 and .xls format, readable by most spreadsheet software. Applications that will read a wk1 or xls file can be used as a helper application with many browsers. Instructions on using this software as a plug-in should be available with your web browser.

ZIP archives:
In many instances, the spreadsheets or other files have been grouped and compressed to speed downloads.  These archival files are presented in .zip format that must be expanded for use. Commercial and free expanders are available for most platforms.

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