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Transfer of control of licenses of Tritel, Inc. and Indus, Inc. to TeleCorp PCS, Inc. and subsequent license exchanges with AT&T Wireless PCS, LLC
Record Documents | Applications | Background | Contacts

This page provides information on applications to the FCC related to the proposed transfer of control of licenses of Tritel, Inc. and Indus, Inc. to TeleCorp PCS, Inc. and subsequent license exchanges with AT&T Wireless PCS, LLC.

These applications have been consolidated under WT Dkt. No. 00-130 and the record in the proceeding is accessible through the Electronic Comment Filing System or the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Universal Licensing System under lead File No. 0000123402. Copies of documents in the record may also be obtained for a fee from FCC's duplicating contractor Qualex International, or may be viewed and/or copied at the FCC Reference Center.


Completed 10/27/00 - Day 102

Timeclock History | Transaction Timeline Description
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Pre-Public Notice - ApplicationPublic NoticePublic Comment PeriodPublic Comment PeriodPublic Comment PeriodPublic Comment PeriodPublic Comment PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodPublic ForumPublic ForumPublic ForumAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesAnalysis of Record; Discussions with PartiesEn Banc or Public Forum on revised applicationEn Banc or Public Forum on revised applicationEn Banc or Public Forum on revised applicationEn Banc or Public Forum on revised applicationEn Banc or Public Forum on revised applicationEn Banc or Public Forum on revised applicationEn Banc or Public Forum on revised applicationEn Banc or Public Forum on revised applicationEn Banc or Public Forum on revised applicationEn Banc or Public Forum on revised application
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Record Documents

Below is a list of record documents in reverse chronological order.

FCC Memorandum Opinion And Order, Consent to Transfer Control and Assignment of Licenses and Authorization, DA 00-2443 [ Text | Word97 ]

Appendix A-Attachment to FCC Memorandum Opinion And Order, Consent to Transfer Control and Assignment of Licenses and Authorization, DA 00-2443 [ Text | Word97 ]

FCC News Release and Order, "Wireless Bureau Approves Telecorp Wireless and Tritel License Transfers and Assignments and Related Applications"

TeleCorp PCS, Inc. Notice of Ex Parte Presentation

Black Label Wireless, Inc. Amendment to Application

TeleCorp PCS, Inc. Notification of Ex Parte Presentation of October 2, 2000

Opposition of Alpine PCS, Inc. to Motion to Strike

Opposition to Motion to Strike Reply Comments of Leaco Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. and Comanche County Telephone Company, Inc.

Opposition of Alpine PCS, Inc. to Motion to Strike

TeleCorp PCS, Inc. Notification of Ex Parte Presentation of September 6, 2000

Motion to Strike of TeleCorp PCS, Inc., et al., or in the Alternative, Request for Leave to File Substantive Response to Late Filed Comments

TeleCorp PCS, Inc. Notification of Ex Parte Presentation of August 31, 2000

Joint Opposition of TeleCorp PCS, Inc., et al. to the Petition to Deny of Nextel Communications

Opposition of Tritel Communications, Inc. to the Comments on or, in the Alternative, Petition to Deny of Nextel Communications

Opposition of Polycell Communications, Inc. to the Comments on or, in the Alternative, Petition to Deny of Nextel Communications

Reply Comments of Leaco Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. and Comanche County Telephone Company, Inc. in Support of Comments on or, in the Alternative Petition to Deny of Nextel Communications, Inc. [ Acrobat | Acrobat ]

Amended Reply Comments of Alpine PCS, Inc.

Reply Comments of Alpine PCS, Inc.

Comments on or, in the Alternative, Petition to Deny of Nextel Communications, Inc.

TeleCorp PCS, Inc., Tritel, Inc., and Indus, Inc. Seek FCC Consent to Transfer Control of, or Assign, Broadband PCS and LMDS Licenses [ Text | Word97 ]


Supplemental information and amendment to applications of TeleCorp PCS, Inc., Tritel, Inc., Indus, Inc., ABC Wireless, Inc., PolyCell, Inc., Clinton Communications, Inc., and AT&T Wireless, Inc. for FCC Consent to Transfer Control of, or Assign Licenses [ Acrobat | Acrobat ]

Applications of TeleCorp PCS, Inc., Tritel, Inc., Indus, Inc., ABC Wireless, Inc., PolyCell, Inc., Clinton Communications, Inc., and AT&T Wireless, Inc. for FCC Consent to Transfer Control of, or Assign Licenses


On April 27, 2000, May 4, 2000 and May 9, 2000, TeleCorp PCS, Inc. ("TeleCorp"), Tritel, Inc. ("Tritel"), and Indus, Inc. ("Indus") filed applications pursuant to Section 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 310(d), seeking Commission approval to (1) the pro forma transfer of control or assignment of broadband Personal Communications Services ("PCS") and Local Multipoint Distribution Service ("LMDS") authorizations currently held by TeleCorp, to be renamed TeleCorp Wireless, Inc., and its subsidiaries to newly formed subsidiaries of a new TeleCorp parent corporation, which will assume the name TeleCorp PCS, Inc. ("TPI"); (2) the transfer of control of broadband PCS authorizations currently held by Tritel subsidiaries to TPI; and (3) the assignment of the one broadband PCS authorization of Indus to Black Label Wireless, Inc., an indirect subsidiary of TPI.

In addition, on April 27, 2000 and May 4, 2000, TeleCorp and its affiliate ABC Wireless, Inc. ("ABC"), PolyCell, Inc. ("PolyCell") and its wholly owned subsidiary, Clinton Communications, Inc. ("Clinton"), and AT&T Wireless PCS, LLC ("AWP") filed applications pursuant to Section 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 310(d), seeking Commission approval to assign various broadband PCS authorizations in a series of license swaps by and between TeleCorp subsidiaries, ABC, PolyCell, Clinton, and AWP.

These applications pertain to licenses for the broadband PCS and LMDS services.


For further information, contact Lauren Kravetz or John Branscome, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, (202) 418-7240 (Part 24), or Jamison Prime, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, (202) 418-0680 (Part 101).

last reviewed/updated on 10/4/01 

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