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GSM Corridor, LLC Joint Venture of AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. and Cingular Wireless LLC
Record Documents | Applications | Background | Contacts

AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. (“AWS”) and Cingular Wireless LLC (“Cingular”) have filed applications pursuant to Section 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, seeking Commission consent to the full and partial assignment and transfer of control of licenses in the Personal Communications Services (“PCS”). Consent is necessary to implement a joint venture – GSM Corridor, LLC (“GSM Corridor”) – to build infrastructure using GSM technology that will enable the joint venture partners to provide service to subscribers along approximately 4,000 miles of select highways in rural parts of the country. Licenses to be controlled by GSM Corridor will consist of portions of licenses currently held by AWS or its subsidiaries, licenses acquired from third parties, and a license held by a subsidiary of Cingular.

These applications have been consolidated under WT Docket No. 02-354, and most of the record in the proceeding is accessible through the Electronic Comment Filing System. Copies of documents in the record may also be obtained for a fee from FCC's duplicating contractor Qualex International, or may be viewed and/or copied at the FCC Reference Center.


2/12/03 - Day 97

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Record Documents

Below is a list of record documents in reverse chronological order.

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Grants Consent for the Full and Partial Assignment and Transfer of Control of Licenses to Implement GSM Corridor, LLC Joint Venture
Word | Acrobat

Public Notice, AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. And Cingular Wireless LLC Seek FCC Consent To Assign And Transfer Control Of PCS Licenses, WT Docket No. 02-354 (DA 02-3081)
Acrobat | Word | Text


Assignment Applications From Third Parties To AWP

File Number 0001053809, Licensee Lewis and Clark Communications, LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLF929 | Exhibits
File Number 0001053817, Licensee Royal Wireless, L.L.C., LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLG715 | Exhibits
File Number 0001053811, Licensee Southwest Wireless, L.L.C., LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLF766 | Exhibits

Pro Forma Assignment Applications To Partition Or Partition And Disaggregate The Highway Areas

File Number 0001056342, Assignee AT&T Wireless Roadrunner License Sub, LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLG464 | Exhibits | Exhibits
File Number 50000-CW-AA-03, Assignee AT&T Wireless Roadrunner License Sub, LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLG207 | Exhibits
File Number 0001056322, Assignee Roadrunner Cingular License Sub, LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLF291 | Exhibits
File Number 50001-CW-AA-03, Assignee Roadrunner Cingular License Sub, LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLF766 | Exhibits
File Number 0001056309, Assignee Cingular New England License Sub LLC, Lead Call Sign WPSL626 | Exhibits | Exhibits

Transfer Of Control Applications Of SUB-A, SUB-C, And SUB-NE To GSM Cooridor

File Number 50002-CW-TC-03, Licensee AT&T Wireless Roadrunner License Sub, LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLG534 | Exhibits | Exhibits
File Number 50003-CW-TC-03, Licensee Roadrunner Cingular License Sub, LLC Lead Call Sign KNLF291 | Exhibits | Exhibits
File Number 50004-CW-TC-03, Licensee Cingular New England License Sub LLC, Lead Call Sign WPSL626 | Exhibits | Exhibits

GSM Corridor Form 602 - Ownership Disclosure Information

Applications To Assign Certain Non-Highway Areas To Southwestern Bell Wireless, LLC

File Number 50005-CW-AA-03, Assignee Southwestern Bell Wireless, LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLF291 | Exhibits
File Number 50006-CW-AA-03, Assignee Southwestern Bell Wireless, LLC, Lead Call Sign KNLG715 | Exhibits


Designated Entity And Entrepreneurial Eligibility Issues

AWS and Cingular state that this transaction will include the transfer of C and F Block PCS licenses to AWP. The Commission’s rules state that “[n]o assignment or transfer of control of a license for frequency Block C or frequency Block F won in closed bidding pursuant to the eligibility requirements of § 24.709 will be granted,” except when, among other things, “[t]he application for assignment or transfer of control is filed on or after the date the licensee has notified the Commission pursuant to § 24.203(c) that its five-year construction requirement has been satisfied.” AWS and Cingular state that five-year build-out notifications have been filed for all the C and F block licenses implicated in the assignment applications.

AWS and Cingular acknowledge that full payment of the remaining unpaid principal and any unpaid interest accrued through the eventual date of the assignments or transfers of control and any other payments otherwise required by Section 1.2111 of the Commission’s rules will be required to be made immediately prior to closing.


For further information contact Kathy Harris or Erin McGrath, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418-7240, or Rita Cookmeyer, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418-0660.

last reviewed/updated on 2/12/03 

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