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ALLTEL Communications, Inc. And CenturyTel, Inc.
Record Documents | Applications | Contacts

This page provides information on applications filed by CenturyTel, Inc. (“CenturyTel”) and ALLTEL Communications, Inc. (“ACI”) pursuant to Section 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, seeking Commission consent to transfer control of certain licenses and authorizations currently controlled by CenturyTel and certain of its affiliates. This transfer of control would take place as the result of a stock purchase agreement between CenturyTel and ACI pursuant to which ACI will take control of certain broadband Personal Communications Service, Fixed Microwave Service, and Cellular Radiotelephone Service licenses controlled by CenturyTel.

These applications have been consolidated under WT Docket No. 02-85, and most of the record in the proceeding is accessible through the Electronic Comment Filing System. Copies of documents in the record may also be obtained for a fee from FCC's duplicating contractor Qualex International, or may be viewed and/or copied at the FCC Reference Center.


Completed 6/12/02 - Day 51

Timeclock History | Transaction Timeline Description
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day 1 - 4/23/02day 1-30day 30day 30-45day 45day 45-60day 60day 60-75day 75day 75-110day 110day 110-130day 130day 130-180day 180
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Record Documents

Below is a list of record documents in reverse chronological order.

WTB Grants Consent For The Transfer Of Control Of Licenses From CenturyTel, Inc. To ALLTEL Communications, Inc., DA 02-1366 [ Acrobat | Word | Text ]

Public Notice

ALLTEL Communications, Inc. And CenturyTel, Inc. Seek FCC Consent To Transfer Control Of Licenses, WT Docket No. 02-85, DA 02-932 (WT) [ Acrobat | Word | Text ]


Applications for consent to transfer control of licenses in the PCS, Fixed Microwave, and Cellular services from CenturyTel to ACI:


For further information, contact John Branscome or Erin McGrath, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418-7240 (Parts 22 and 24); or Jeff Tobias, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau at (202) 418-1617 (Part 101).

last reviewed/updated on 6/12/02 

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