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  WCB Headline Archives for 1999

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WCB Headline Archives for 1999

  • Bureau denies AT&T's request to stay Commission decision allowing entry of Bell Atlantic into the long distance market in the State of New York. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Bureau seeks comment on requests to redefine the definition of "voice grade access" for the purposes of federal universal service support. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission approves Bell Atlantic's application to provide long distance service in the State of New York. [ News Release | PDF | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission adopts rules to give carriers freedom from depreciation requirements. [ News Release | Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Bureau extends comment period on the productivity offset in the price cap mechanism governing the interstate access charges of incumbent local exchange carriers. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Bureau announces the proposed universal service contribution factor for the first quarter of 2000. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission denies automatic grant of AT&T's request to discontinue directory assistance service for toll-free numbers. [ News Release | Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission orders unbundling of the high-frequency portion of the local loop in order to promote the availability of competitive broadband xDSL-based services. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Pleading cycle established for request by CIX and ITAA of an extension of the sunset date of the structural, non-discrimination, and other safeguards governing Bell Operating Company provision of in-region, interLATA information services.[ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission releases Statistics of Communications Common Carriers.

  • Commission seeks comment on on the proposed use of the separations simulation cost study analysis tool developed by the state members of the Federal-State Joint Board on Separations. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission releases Industry Analysis Division's report on service quality of local exchange carriers.

  • Linda Kinney named Assistant Bureau Chief and Special Advisor for Advanced Services effective December 6,1999

  • Commission approves the proposed transfer of the North American Numbering Plan administrative functions from Lockheed Martin to NeuStar. [ News Release | Text | PDF ]

  • Commission lifts stay of deaveraging rule for unbundled network elements and interconnection, effective May 1, 2000. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission seeks comment on the productivity offset in the price cap mechanism governing the interstate access charges of incumbent local exchange carriers. [ News Release | Text | MS Word97 | TFP Study | Imputed X Study ]

  • Commission determines that advanced telecommunications services, such as digital subscriber lines, sold by incumbent LECs to residential and business customers are subject to discounted resale obligations. [ Text | WordPerfect ]

  • Common Carrier and Enforcement Bureaus create an oversight team to monitor SBC's compliance with the conditions of its recent merger with Ameritech. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission adjusts and finalizes the framework of the new federal forward-looking high-cost support mechanism for non-rural carriers. [ Text | WordPerfect ]

  • Bureau releases state-by-state universal service high-cost support amounts for non-rural carriers. [ Text | MS Word97 | Excel Spreadsheet ]

  • Commission takes action to promote the availability of broadband Internet access for residential and small business users. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission announces the creation of two new Bureaus consolidating enforcement and consumer information functions and personnel from the Common Carrier, Mass Media, Wireless Telecommunications, and Compliance and Information Bureaus.

  • Bureau announces promotions in the Network Services and Accounting Policy Divisions. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission proposes rules to collect basic information about the status of local telephone service competition and the deployment of advanced telecommunications capabilities. [ Text | WordPerfect | Proposed Form]

  • Commission Reforms High Cost Support Mechanism for Large Carriers. (FCC 99-304, FCC 99-305, CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-160)

  • Pleading Cycle Established for Comments on Qwest Communications' and U.S. West's Proposed Divestiture Plans. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • Commission Proposes to Fine Qwest Communications $2,000,000 for Slamming. [ Text | MS Word97 ]

  • FCC Approves SBC-Ameritech Merger Subject to Competition-Enhancing Conditions. (FCC 99-279) [ Order, Conditions, Statements, News Release ]

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases its latest report on Telephone Subscribership levels in the United States. [ PDF | ZIP ]

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases the Preliminary 1998 International Traffic Data Report. [ PDF | ZIP ]

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases the 1998 Telecommunications Industry Revenue Report. [ PDF | ZIP ]

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases the first two quarters of NECA's 1999 interstate local minutes of use report. [ ZIP ]

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases the Second 1999 Trends in Telephone Service Report. [ ZIP | PDF ]

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases its Fiber Deployment Update - End of the Year 1998 Report. [PDF | ZIP ]

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases the Trends in the U.S. International Telecommunications Industry. [ ZIP | PDF ]

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases the August 1999 report on Local Competition.PDF | ZIP] 8/31/99. Note: Section 3 tables revised 9/10/99.

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases the September Version of the Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC Form 499-S) for Contributions to the Universal Service Support Mechanisms. PDF] 8/4/99

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases a report on the Infrastructure of the Local Operating Companies. PDF | ZIP] 7/21/99

  • The Common Carrier Bureau releases the June 1999 Monitoring Report. 7/12/99

  • FCC Releases Consent Decree on SBC and SNET. 7/1/99

last reviewed/updated on January 05, 2009  

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