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Early Development of Children
Table 35-1.  Percentage of children about 9 months of age who engaged in selected activities with a family member daily in a typical week, by child and family characteristics: 2001–02

Child and family characteristic   Read
Taken on

    Total 33 27 74 64 68 47
  Less than 10 months 31 26 73 63 68 46
  11–13 months 32 27 73 65 69 47
  14–22 months 44 37 73 70 64 59
  Male 32 27 73 64 68 48
  Female 33 27 74 64 68 46
  American Indian 18 23 64 75 64 46
  Asian/Pacific Islander 26 25 71 38 73 43
  Black 23 24 73 63 61 45
  White 41 31 75 65 72 47
  Hispanic 21 21 70 64 64 48
Birth weight2            
  Normal 33 27 73 64 68 47
  Low 29 28 76 58 70 44
  Very low 27 28 73 51 66 38
Poverty status            
  Poor 22 24 67 64 64 48
  Nonpoor 36 28 75 64 70 47
Mother’s education            
  Less than high school 22 22 66 64 65 50
  High school diploma or equivalent 27 25 72 67 70 44
  Some college 35 29 78 65 69 44
  Bachelor’s degree or higher 48 33 79 59 70 48
Family type            
  Two parents, with other siblings 31 25 71 63 65 46
  Two parents, without other siblings 38 32 78 62 75 48
  One parent, with other siblings 24 25 72 62 65 46
  One parent, without other siblings 29 27 73 71 70 48
Primary language spoken in the home            
  English 36 29 75 65 70 46
  Other than English 18 19 67 57 63 49
Mother’s employment            
  35 hours or more 29 26 73 59 67 41
  Less than 35 hours 36 27 75 66 69 46
  Unemployed 27 26 75 68 71 50
  Not in labor force 34 28 73 65 68 51
Number of family risk factors3            
  Zero 41 31 77 64 70 46
  One 25 25 73 64 67 47
  Two or more 20 20 65 63 64 51

1 American Indian includes Alaska Native, Black includes African American, Pacific Islander includes Native Hawaiian, and Hispanic includes Latino. Race catagories exclude Hispanic origin unless specified.

2 Normal birth weight is more than 5.5 pounds; low birthweight is more than 3.3 to 5.5 pounds; and very low birthweight is 3.3 pounds or less.

3 Family risk factors include living below the poverty level, living in a household where the primary language was not English, having a mother whose highest education was less than a high school diploma or equivalent, and living in a single-parent household. See supplemental note 1 for more information on mother’s education and poverty.

NOTE: While the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS–B) was designed to collect information on children about 9 months of age (i.e., 8 to 10 months), children were assessed as young as 6 months and as old as 22 months. Seventy-two percent of the children were between 8 and 10 months at the time of the assessment, and 84 percent were between 8 and 11 months. See supplemental note 3 for more information.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS–B), Restricted-Use File (NCES 2004–093), previously unpublished tabulation (January 2005).

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