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Application of Ameritech Michigan Pursuant to
Section 271 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
to Provide In-Region, InterLATA Services in Michigan

CC Docket No. 97-137
12/6/96 Public Notice | 5/21/97 Public Notice | 5/21/97 Protective Order | Comments & Reply Comments
AT&T Motion to Strike | AT&T Letter on 271 Application Procedures

Index to Materials Filed Electronically
(All Documents in Word Perfect 5.1 for DOS Format)

Files on Disk Provided:
Brief In Support of Application AM-BRIEF.WP
Executive Summary and Table of Contents to Brief AM-EXEC.WP
Affidavits in Support of Application AMER-MI.ZIP
List of Materials Filed Electronically AM-LIST.WP

Files Contained in AMER-MI.ZIP: (Affidavits in Support of Application)
Affidavit of Daniel Broadhurst,Vol. 2.1 BROAD.WP
Affidavit of Patrick Earley, Vol. 2.2 EARLEY.WP
Affidavit of Theodore Edwards, Vol. 2.3 EDWARDS.WP
Affidavit of Rachel Foerster, Vol. 2.4 FOERSTER.WP
Affidavit of Daniel Kocher, Vol. 2.5 KOCHER.WP
Affidavit of Steven Kriz, Vol. 2.6 KRIZ.WP
Affidavit of Paul LaSchiazza, Vol. 2.7 LASCHIAZ.WP
Affidavit of John Mayer, Vol. 2.8 MAYER.WP
Affidavit of Robert Meixner, Vol. 2.9 MEIXNER.WP
Affidavit of Warren Mickens, Vol. 2.10 MICKENS.WP
Affidavit of William Palmer, Vol. 2.11 PALMER.WP
Affidavit of John Putnam, Vol. 2.12 PUTNAM.WP
Affidavit of Joseph Rogers, Vol. 2.13 ROGERS.WP
Affidavit of Richard Shutter, Vol. 2.14 SHUTTER.WP
Affidavit of Crandall & Waverman, Vol. 3.1 C-W.WP
Affidavit of Gilbert & Panzar, Vol. 3.2 G-P.WP
Affidavit of Harris & Teece, Vol. 3.3 H-T.WP
Affidavit of Paul MacAvoy, Vol. 3.4 MACAVOY.WP
Affidavit of Wilk & Fetter, Vol. 3.5 W-F.WP

To download the application in sections, click on the highlighted file names above, then use your browser's normal save function to save each file to your computer. Once they're on your system, you can open the wp files in WordPerfect. Use an unzip program to unzip the downloaded zip file before you can open it in WordPerfect.

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last updated 7/25/97