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M yO-ԍ See Eustis/Home Petition at 3.T Henderson asserts that it is making good faith efforts to purchase an updated release, but argues that Nortel has refused to deal with Henderson using the RUS contract,  X-and negotiations are taking months.R@( M yOi-ԍ See Henderson Petition at 3.R Eustis/Home and Henderson assert that they have also  Xy-consulted with StromburgCarlson and Mitel about updated releases.TAy M yO-ԍ See Eustis/Home Petition at 3.T  XK-  X4-III. DISCUSSION ă  X-x15.` ` The Commission may waive any provision of its rules, in whole or in part, if  X-good cause is shown.GBH M yO#-ԍ See 47 C.F.R.  1.3.G An applicant for waiver must demonstrate that special circumstances" B0*%%ZZ'" warrant a deviation from the general rule and that such deviation will serve the public  X-interest.CM yOy- xԍ Northeast Cellular Telephone Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1164, 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990); WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153 (D.C. Cir. 1969). In evaluating each petition for waiver before us here, we have weighed the following factors: the LEC's diligence in upgrading its switches; the availability from manufacturers of products required to accomplish the upgrade; and the impact of an extension of the conversion deadline on the IXCs served by the LEC's switches and on customers' ability to reach IXCs through CAC dialing.  X_-x16.` ` Requests for Extension of Hardy, Pierce, Northeast, Pioneer and Hartman. We find that the petitions for waiver filed by Hardy, Pierce, Northeast, Pioneer, and Hartman demonstrate the special circumstances meriting a waiver of the January 1, 1998 conversion deadline. First, each has demonstrated that it is diligently working to upgrade or replace its switches. For example, Hardy initiated the RUS process to deploy a new switch with the fourdigit CIC capability in early 1997, when it learned that its switch vendor does not provide software upgrades to implement fourdigit CICs capability. Pierce has been working to purchase fourdigit CIC capable upgrades since May 1997, shortly following the release of  X -the CICs Second Report and Order establishing the January 1, 1998 deadline for LEC conversion to fourdigit CICs. Similarly, Northeast states that it began negotiations to replace  Xy-its switching equipment shortly after the release of the CICs Second Report and Order in April 1997. After months of negotiations, Northeast has now ordered new, fourdigit CIC capable, switching equipment for two of its exchanges, expects to place an order for its third switch in November 1997, and anticipates installation of all of the required new equipment during the first quarter of 1998. Pioneer states that it began a series of networkwide equipment upgrades, that would include fourdigit CIC capability, in January 1995 and  X-accelerated that conversion following the release of the CICs Second Report and Order. Although its conversion process was delayed by an area code split, Pioneer requests an extension for only 12 of its 77 exchanges and only until the end of the permissive dialing period on June 30, 1998. Hartman indicates that it is making good faith efforts to purchase updated software; indeed, Hartman states that it has signed a contract with Nortel for an upgraded operating systems software release.  XN-x17.` ` Second, based on their petitions, we conclude that Hardy, Pierce, Northeast, and Hartman have demonstrated that the product needed to accomplish the upgrade to their individual networks is not readily available from switch manufacturers, which has delayed their ability to meet the January 1, 1998 conversion deadline. In Hardy's case, Alcatel has notified it that it will not provide the software upgrades necessary to implement fourdigit CIC capability. Thus, Hardy must select, purchase and deploy a new switch capable of providing the fourdigit CIC function. Pierce has been unable to obtain from Nortel the product necessary to upgrade its Nortel switches. Pierce estimates that upgrades can be operational, however, 180 days after a contract with Nortel is signed. Northeast maintains"" 7C0*%%ZZ!" that replacement switching equipment was purchased only after months of negotiations. Hartman asserts that, because Nortel has been overwhelmed with upgrade requests, the delivery date for its upgrade is uncertain. In Pioneer's case, although it does not claim that replacement switching equipment is unavailable, we note that Pioneer also is replacing its switching equipment, rather than implementing an upgrade to its existing equipment. Thus, we conclude that the absence of this claim is not dispositive of its petition.  X_-x18.` ` Third, we conclude that the impact of an extension of the conversion deadline on the IXCs served by Hardy, Pierce, Northeast, Pioneer, and Hartman, and on the ability of those LECs' customers to reach IXCs through CAC dialing, does not outweigh the burden on the LECs that would be imposed by a denial of their petitions for waiver. Hardy, Pierce, Northeast, Pioneer, and Hartman are small, rural LECs serving a limited number of access lines. Hardy operates in West Virginia, serving 2,600 access lines. Pierce, a local exchange carrier in Nebraska, serves about 1,870 access lines. Northeast also operates in Nebraska, serving about 1,150 access lines. Hartman operates 450 access lines serving three exchanges on the Nebraska/Kansas border. Pioneer operates in Oklahoma, and although it serves approximately 50,000 access lines, only 14 percent of those access lines are affected by its  Xy-request for an extension of the January 1, 1998 conversion deadline.9DyM yO- xԍ Pioneer states that currently 65 of its existing exchanges, serving approximately 86 percent of its access lines,  yO-are capable of providing the fourdigit CIC function by the January 1, 1998 deadline. See Pioneer Petition at 3.9 Hardy, Pierce, Northeast and Pioneer have not requested an extension of the conversion deadline beyond June 30, 1998. Accordingly, the grant of their requested waivers will not affect or interfere with the end of the permissive dialing period on June 30, 1998. Hartman requests an extension of the conversion deadline until July 1, 1998, only one day after the end of the permissive dialing period. As explained below, we grant Hartman an extension until June 30, 1998, which will not affect or interfere with the end of the permissive dialing period.  X-x19.` ` We recognize that the grant of these extensions will shorten or eliminate the time we provided for IXCs to prepare their networks and to educate their customers, in  X-creating a twostep transition in our Order on Reconsideration. We find, however, that the technical and economic burden on these LECs that would be imposed by a denial of the extensions outweighs the burden to the IXCs and their customers. Each petitioner asserts that, even if it were technically feasible, it would suffer undue economic burden in attempting to meet the January 1, 1998 conversion deadline. Further, the economic burdens imposed by a denial of the extensions would be borne by the LECs' customers. We note, moreover, that only IXCs that have been issued a fourdigit CIC (who cannot currently receive CAC calls originating with the LECs' customers) will be affected by the grant of the waivers. The petitioners' networks can, and will continue to, accept CAC calling for IXCs with threedigit CICs until the transition ends on June 30, 1998. Although we recognize the potential anticompetitive effects of the dialing disparity and seek to minimize them, we believe that"! D0*%%ZZ " those effects are outweighed by the economic and technical burdens likely to be imposed on the LECs by a failure to extend the conversion deadline for them. Thus, on balance, we find that the impact of an extension of the conversion deadline on the IXCs served by Hardy, Pierce, Northeast, Pioneer, and Hartman, and on the ability of those LECs' customers to reach IXCs through CAC dialing, does not outweigh the burden on the LECs that would be imposed by a denial of the extension requests.  X_-x20.` ` We find that the conversion extension dates requested by Hardy and Pierce are reasonable. Hardy's and Pierce's requests for extensions until April 30, 1998, and May 1, 1998, respectively, allow for at least a brief period of time during which the IXCs served by these LEC switches can coordinate the conversion with them and can educate their customers about the necessary dialing changes.  X -x21.` ` We also find the amount of additional time requested by Northeast and Pioneer, until June 30, 1998, to be reasonable. On June 30, the permissive dialing period will end. We recognize that granting the extension until June 30, 1998, will effectively eliminate the  X-benefits of the twostep transition created by the Commission in the CICs Order on  Xy-Reconsideration for the IXCs served by these LECs' limited number of access lines. As noted above, we conclude, however, that the burden on the LECs that would be imposed by a denial of the extension outweighs the burden to IXCs and their customers. We reject Northeast's interpretation of the Commission's actions as requiring conversion by a LEC only if it is  X-providing equal access in response to a request. The CICs Order on Reconsideration, in requiring that LECs providing equal access convert to fourdigit CIC capability by January 1, 1998, does not distinguish between those LECs providing equal access voluntarily and those providing it in response to a request. This is consistent with the Commission's requirement in  X-the Independent Telephone Company Equal Access Report and Order, EM yO:- xԍ See In the Matter of MTS and WATS Market Structure Phase III, Report and Order, CC Docket No. 78-72,  yO-100 F.C.C.2d 860 (1985) (Independent Telephone Company Equal Access Order).  issued over twelve years ago, that companies not receiving a request for equal access implement equal access as  X-soon as practicable.~F M yOd-ԍ See id. at para. 48, cited in CICs Second FNPRM at para. 83.~  Xe-x22.` ` We also find that Hartman's request for an extension until July 1, 1998, is generally reasonable. Because the permissive dialing period ends on June 30, 1998, we grant Hartman's request until that date, rather than until July 1, 1998, to avoid disruption to IXCs and to the public when the permissive dialing period ends on June 30, 1998.  X-x23.` ` Requests for Extension of Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson. We find that Clarks', Eustis/Home's, and Henderson's requested extensions, until January 1, 2000, are" F0*%%ZZ" unreasonable. While we find that these LECs warrant an extension of the conversion deadline, we find that these LECs have failed to demonstrate the reasonableness of the amount of time they request, and to explain why, after seven months, a decision as to whether to replace their switches as a means of becoming fourdigit CIC compliant has not been reached. As explained below, we grant extensions of the conversion deadline to Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson, but only until June 30, 1998, which should be sufficient time for them to upgrade their switches.  XH-x24.` ` Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson all argue that switch replacement may be necessary before their networks are fourdigit CIC compliant. Both Clarks and Eustis/Home assert that if switch replacement is necessary, they would not be ready to convert for 1820 months. Henderson, while asserting that it could expect mid1998 implementation of a switch upgrade, asserts that implementation could take several more months if it decides to purchase new equipment from a different manufacturer. We recognize, based on Hardy's experience, that if Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson decide to replace their switches, which would involve the RUS funding approval process, the entire process could take as long as 16  X-months.GM yO - xJԍ If Hardy began this process on January 1, 1997, and is ready for implementation by April 30, 1998, the total amount of time required would be 16 months. Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson have not yet decided, however, whether to pursue that course of action, instead of upgrading existing ones, as a means of becoming fourdigit CIC compliant. None of these carriers, who assertedly began considering conversion options as early as April 1997, has explained why, after seven months, a decision as to whether to replace their switches, a process which they all assert is a lengthy one, has not been reached. Hardy states that it began the RUS process for deploying a new switch in early 1997, and asks for an extension until only April 30, 1998; Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson, on the other hand, began considering options at most only three months later than Hardy, yet request extensions of two years, rather than four months, as requested by Hardy.  X-x25.` ` Based on their petitions, we find that a more limited extension is warranted. Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson warrant extensions of the conversion deadline to upgrade their switches because each has demonstrated diligence in pursuing switch upgrades, and the unavailability from manufacturers of products required to accomplish the upgrade. The impact of an extension on the IXCs served by them, and on the ability of those LECs' customers to reach IXCs through CAC dialing, does not outweigh the burden on the LECs that would be imposed in the absence of an extension.  X-x26.` ` First, Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson have demonstrated that they are  X-diligently working to upgrade their switches. Each asserts that, upon issuance of the CICs  X -Second Report and Order in April 1997, it began assessing the steps necessary to meet the January 1, 1998 conversion deadline. Clarks currently is negotiating with Nortel regarding"! G0*%%ZZ " upgrade costs, for the updated operating system software necessary to accept fourdigit CICs, and the equipment necessary to operate the software. Eustis/Home has been taking bids from several sources to obtain the fairest price for upgrades, and, in the past few months, has been communicating with vendors in addition to Nortel (such as StromburgCarlson and Mitel), regarding the purchase of software. Henderson is in the process of negotiations with Nortel regarding contract specifics for switch upgrades.  X_-x27.` ` Second, based on their petitions, we conclude that Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson have demonstrated that the product needed to accomplish the upgrade to their individual networks is not readily available from switch manufacturers, delaying their ability to meet the January 1, 1998, conversion deadline. Each petitioner asserts that Nortel has informed it that Nortel has a long waiting list for upgrades. Eustis/Home is currently on the waiting list for an updated version of the operating system software, but cannot expect to receive it before mid1998. Henderson also estimates a mid1998 implementation, based on the assumption that, once a contract is signed, approximately 180 days are needed for implementation.  Xy-x28.` ` Third, we conclude that the impact of an extension of the conversion deadline on the IXCs served by Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson, and on the ability of those LECs' customers to reach IXCs through CAC dialing, does not outweigh the burden on the LECs that would be imposed absent an extension. Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson are small, rural LECs serving a limited number of access lines. Clarks and Henderson each serves 1000 access lines, and Eustis/Home (which are commonly owned) combined serves 1300 access lines. Because, as discussed below, we are granting these LECs extensions only until June 30, 1998, the extensions will not affect or interfere with the end of the permissive dialing period on June 30, 1998.  X-x29.` ` We find that, based on the record, an extension until June 30, 1998, should provide sufficient time for Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson to upgrade their existing switches. The burdens on IXCs and their customers of an extension beyond June 30, 1998, however, are much greater. An extension beyond that date will make it difficult for the IXCs served by them to educate their customers about the changes in dialing patterns and will affect the IXCs' customers' ability to reach them. The burdens imposed on IXCs and their customers of a longer extension outweigh any burdens that might be imposed on these LECs by our failure to extend the conversion deadline beyond June 30, 1998.  X -x30.` ` Consistent with our desire to avoid requiring parties to incur inefficient cost expenditures, if Clarks, Eustis/Home, and Henderson, decide to replace their switches, we will consider further extension requests from them, provided they demonstrate that they have continued to work diligently towards conversion. Any party seeking a further extension should be prepared to provide detailed documentation of the steps taken, since issuance of this"h$G0*%%ZZ(#" Order, to achieve switch conversion by June 30, 1998. Because a grant of a further extension, even for the slightest amount of time, will cause disruption to callers if all equal access LEC end offices are not converted to recognize fourdigit CICs once the permissive dialing period has ended, we will scrutinize closely any request for a further extension. For this reason, we expect any further extension requests to be for the shortest amount of time practicable.  Xv-x31.` ` Finally, we note that the CICs Order on Reconsideration, in addition to requiring fourdigit CIC conversion by equal access LECs as of January 1, 1998, also requires that LECs must offer a standard intercept message beginning on or before June 30, 1998, explaining that a dialing pattern change has occurred and instructing the caller to contact its  X -IXC for further information.jH M yO -ԍ See CICs Order on Reconsideration at para. 26.j The Commission requires that, in developing an intercept message, LECs must consult with IXCs and reach agreement on the content of the message  X -and on the period of time during which the message will be provided.=I XM yO-ԍ See id.= We emphasize that the LECs to whom we grant conversion extensions here must comply with the Commission's intercept message requirement.  X-x32.` ` Requests for Extension of Hartington and Jefferson. Hartington and Jefferson  Xy-both state that they do not provide equal access. As noted above, in the CICs Order on  Xb-Reconsideration, the Commission modified the decision in the CICs Second Report and Order regarding the length of the transition during which three and fourdigit Feature Group D CICs coexist, and created a "twostep" end to the transition to fourdigit CICs, with January 1, 1998, the end of the first phase, being the deadline for LECs providing equal access to complete switch changes to recognize fourdigit CICs.  X-x 33.` ` In the CICs Second FNPRM, issued concurrently with the CICs Order on  X-Reconsideration, the Commission, noting that some independent incumbent LECs in rural and isolated areas do not provide equal access, stated that a requirement that all LEC end office switches be upgraded to accept fourdigit CICs by January 1, 1998, may have the unintended effect of requiring those LECs that have never received a bona fide request for equal access or that are not subject to a specific timetable for providing equal access nonetheless to  XN-upgrade their end offices to offer equal access by January 1, 1998.XJNM yO -ԍ See CICs Second FNPRM at para. 84.X The Commission noted that such a requirement would modify the Commission's equal access implementation  X -schedule for nonGTE independent telephone companies, set by the 1985 Independent  X -Telephone Company Equal Access Report and Order. As more than twelve years have passed  X-since adoption of the Independent Telephone Company Equal Access Report and Order, the"xJ0*%%ZZ<"  X-Commission, in the CICs Second FNPRM, tentatively concluded that eventually all LEC end  X-offices should be required to provide equal access.!KM yOb- xxԍ Specifically, the CICs Second FNPRM tentatively concluded that (1) LECs with stored programcontrolled  x(SPC) switches that have not received a bona fide request for equal access should be required to upgrade their  yO- xfacilities to provide equal access and to accept fourdigit CICs within three years of the effective date of an Order  xadopted in this proceeding; and (2) LECs whose end offices are equipped with nonSPC switches should be required  xto provide equal access and to convert their switches to accept fourdigit CICs when they next replace their switching  yOJ-facilities. See CICs Second FNPRM at para. 84.! Because the CICs Order on  X-Reconsideration requires January 1, 1998 switch conversion toaccommodate fourdigit CICs only by those LECs providing equal access, however, and because Hartington and Jefferson are not providing equal access, we dismiss their petitions as moot.  Xv-  X_-IV. ORDERING CLAUSES ă  X -x!34.` ` IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, and authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Petition for Limited Waiver of Hardy Telecommunications Inc., IS GRANTED, by extending for it the switch conversion deadline for fourdigit CIC capability until April 30, 1998.  X-x"35.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, and authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Petition for Limited Waiver of Pierce Telephone Company, Inc., IS GRANTED, by extending for it the switch conversion deadline for fourdigit CIC capability until May 1, 1998.  X-x#36.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, and authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Petition for Waiver of Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company IS GRANTED, by extending for it the switch conversion deadline for fourdigit CIC capability until June 30, 1998.  X|-x$37.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, and authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Petition for Limited Waiver of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., IS GRANTED, by extending for it the switch conversion deadline for fourdigit CIC capability until June 30, 1998." @K0*%%ZZ"Ԍ X-ԙx%38.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, and authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Petition for Limited Waiver of Hartman Telephone Exchanges, Inc., IS GRANTED IN PART, by extending for it the switch conversion deadline for fourdigit CIC capability until June 30, 1998, and DENIED IN PART, to the extent Hartman requests extension beyond that date.  X_-x&39.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, and authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Petition for Limited Waiver of Clarks Telecommunications Co. IS GRANTED IN PART, by extending for it the switch conversion deadline for fourdigit CIC capability until June 30, 1998, and DENIED IN PART, to the extent Clarks requests extensions beyond that date.  X -x'40.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, and authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Joint Petition for Limited Waiver of Eustis Telephone Exchange, Inc. and Home Telephone Company of Nebraska IS GRANTED IN PART, by extending for them the switch conversion deadline for fourdigit CIC capability until June 30, 1998, and DENIED IN PART, to the extent Eustis and Home request extension beyond that date.  X-x(41.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, and authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Petition for Limited Waiver of Henderson Telephone Company IS GRANTED IN PART, by extending for it the switch conversion deadline for fourdigit CIC capability until June 30, 1998, and DENIED IN PART, to the extent Henderson requests extension beyond that date.  Xe-x)42.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Petition for Waiver of Hartington Telecommunications Co., Inc., IS DISMISSED AS MOOT. #u " K0*%%ZZ "  X- #u  #u x*43.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to authority delegated in Section 0.91 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, and Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291, that the Petition for Waiver of Jefferson Telephone Company IS DISMISSED AS MOOT.  X- T x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hh@Geraldine A. Matise x` `  hh@Chief, Network Services Division x` `  hh@Common Carrier Bureau