Federal Communications Commission
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Cost Proxy Models Workshop Comments
Comments Received Before and After the January 14-15 Workshops
[Public Notice 1 | Public Notice 2 | Audio ]
The Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service staff held workshops on Cost Proxy Models on January 14 and 15. The following are comments that were filed electronically with the FCC, both before and after the workshops.

Comments Received Before the January 14-15 Workshops
Comment Date Filename Proxy Cost Model
zip file
1/07/97 PRX001 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co pcmj7.zip
1/07/97 PRX002 Rural Telephone Coalition
1/07/97 PRX003 Pacific Telecom, Inc.
1/07/97 PRX004 GTE, Inc.

Comments Received After the January 14-15 Workshops
Comment Date Filename Proxy Cost Model
zip file
1/24/97 PRX005 Association for Local Telecommunications Services pcmj24.zip
1/24/97 PRX006 New Jersey Ratepayer Advocate
1/24/97 PRX007 Pacific Bell
1/24/97 PRX008 Pacific Telecom, Inc.
1/24/97 PRX009 Rural Telephone Coalition / GVNW-Management, Inc.
1/24/97 PRX010 WorldCom, Inc.
1/24/97 PRX011 AirTouch Communications, Inc.