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  Pricing Policy Division - Mandatory Detariffing

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Mandatory Detariffing of Interstate and International Interexchange Services

Domestic Interstate Interexchange Services

Non dominant carriers are permitted (but not required) to file limited tariffs for the offering of domestic interstate interexchange services for:

  • Dial around 1+ services (1010XXX)

  • Customers who subscribe to their domestic interstate interexchange services indirectly through a local exchange carrier. Such a tariff will be applicable to the customer until the parties consummate a written agreement but in no event for more than a 45 day period.

Non dominant carriers must also comply with:

  • Section 47 C.F.R. § 42.10 - Public availability of information concerning interexchange services.
  • Section 47 C.F.R. § 64.1900 - Carrier certifications regarding geographic averaging and rate integration requirements. In 2001, this was due on August 1, and will be due on May 1 each year thereafter. These certifications should be addressed to the Attn: Assistant Division Chief, Pricing Policy Division, Room 5-A121.

Domestic Operator Services

Non dominant carriers, except for CMRS service providers [LINK TO ORDER], that provide certain domestic operator services, as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 64.708(i), must have on file Informational Tariffs filed pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 64.709 and Section 226 of the Act. Even in cases where tariffs are retained for the exceptions noted above, an Informational Tariff must be filed for the covered domestic operator services.

CMRS Services

No CMRS service may be tariffed either pursuant to Sections 203 or 226 of the Act.

Filing Fees

All tariff filings must be accompanied by the appropriate fee.

For additional information:

Contact FCC Wireline Competition Bureau, Pricing Policy Division, (202) 418-1540.

last reviewed/updated on 08/08/2008 

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