Federal Communications Commission

Comments and Reply Comments
to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on
Telemessaging, Electronic Publishing, and Alarm Monitoring Service

CC Docket No. 96-152, FCC 96-310 [ Text Format | Wordperfect Format ]

Comments, September 4, 1996

16 out of a total of 20 comments were filed electronically with the FCC for this proceeding and are provided here in one zip file, cc96152.zip, for easy downloading. The zip file is approximately 200KB in size and contains 18 files that occupy 1.3MB when unzipped. See the Table below for the names of the parties who submitted disks and their associated files.

To download a zip file: click on one of the highlighted file names above, then use your browser's normal save function to save the zip file to your computer. Once it's on your system, use an unzip program to unzip the downloaded file.

Caution - This is not a complete set of the comments filed in this proceeding. For a complete set of all comments filed, contact International Transcription Service (202) 857-3800, or the Commission's Public Reference Room, room 239, 1919 M Street, NW, Washington, DC.

cc96152.zip 200 KB
Commenting PartyFile Name(s)
Alarm Industry Communications Committeecomments.275
Assoociation of Telemessaging Services International (ATSI)atsicom.152
AT&T Corporation at&tcomm.ent
Bell Atlantic96-52fnl.dos
BellSouth Corporation 18f#01!.wpd
Cincinnati Bell Telephone 0339107.01
Joint Parties (Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies and Newspaper Association of America) jp96152.cmt
MCI Telecommunications Corporation
Newspaper Association of Americanaa96152.cmt
NYNEX Corporationnynex1.doc
People of the State of California/CA PUC fcctel~1.doc
Pacific Telesis Grouppt96152.cmt
SBC Communications Inc. elecpub.pld
Time Warner Cable 0016015.01
United States Telephone Association (USTA)
U.S. West, Inc. 96152-4.doc
Yellow Pages Publishers Association comments.ypp
NYS Dept. of Public Servicecc96-152.doc

first posted 9/12/96

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