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Search Telephone Directory of the FCC

Title Name Phone Number E-mail Address
Division Chief Rodger Woock (202) 418-1560 Rodger.Woock@fcc.gov
Deputy Division Chief Alan Feldman (202) 418-0943 Alan.Feldman@fcc.gov
Deputy Division Chief Jeremy Miller (202) 418-1507 Jeremy.Miller@fcc.gov
Deputy Division Chief Cathy Zima (202) 418-7380 Cathy.Zima@fcc.gov
Assistant Division Chief Ellen Burton (202) 418-0958 Ellen.Burton@fcc.gov
Industry Economist John Adesalu (202) 418-7097 John.Adesalu@fcc.gov
Industry Economist Alex Belinfante (202) 418-0944 Alex.Belinfante@fcc.gov
Attorney Advisor Darryl Cooper (202) 418-7131 Darryl.Cooper@fcc.gov
Staff Assistant Chantal Curry (202) 418-0056 Chantal.Curry@fcc.gov
Industry Economist Jim Eisner (202) 418-7302 James.Eisner@fcc.gov
Computer Specialist John Falvey (202) 418-2620 John.Falvey@fcc.gov
Electronics Engineer Mike Goldstein (202) 418-0806 Michael.Goldstein@fcc.gov
Utilities Specialist
Frank Hopwood -
On detail to OMD
(202) 418-0869 Francis.Hopwood@fcc.gov
Electronics Engineer Jonathan Kraushaar (202) 418-0947 Jonathan.Kraushaar@fcc.gov
Industry Economist Jim Lande (202) 418-0948 Jim.Lande@fcc.gov
Industry Economist Ken Lynch (202) 418-7356 Ken.Lynch@fcc.gov
Technology Specialist Jamal Mazrui (202) 418-0069 Jamal.Mazrui@fcc.gov
Management Analyst Suzanne Mendez (202) 418-0941 Suzanne.Mendez@fcc.gov
Computer Assistant Lorenzo Miller (202) 418-0846 Lorenzo.Miller@fcc.gov
Staff Assistant Siobahn Philemon (202) 418-1570 Siobahn.Philemon@fcc.gov
Staff Assistant Rhoda Pounds (202) 418-0811 Rhoda.Brooks@fcc.gov
Computer Specialist Kimberly Sawyers (202) 418-7084 Kim.Sawyers@fcc.gov
Accountant Stephen Steckler (202) 418-0865 Stephen.Steckler@fcc.gov
Industry Economist Craig Stroup (202) 418-0989 Craig.Stroup@fcc.gov
Computer Specialist Barbara Van Hagen (202) 418-0849 Barbara.VanHagen@fcc.gov
Electronics Engineer John Vu (202) 418-2333 John.Vu@fcc.gov
Computer Specialist Carrie Weiss (202) 418-7090 Carrie.Weiss@fcc.gov

last reviewed/updated on 09/23/2008 

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