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  Office of Engineering and Technology

Definition of "Line A"

DATE: June 23, 1989
Acting Chief, Treaty Branch
SUBJECT: Definition of "Line A"
TO: John A. Chudovan, Data Automation Liaison Officer, PRB
REFERENCE: Your memorandum dated May 30, 1989

The definition of Line A in Section 90.7 is taken from Paragraph 2 of Arrangement A contained in the revised Technical Annex to the agreement between the United States and Canada on the "Coordination and Use of Radio Frequencies Above 30 Megacycles per Second", signed at Ottawa on June 16 and 24, 1965. As you indicate, some points on the line are defined as passing through certain points of cities. These points have been interpreted differently by various persons who have attempted to draw, or enter into a computer, points along this line. As you have noted, there are at least three sets of points used for the four cities listed. Because these points are subject to interpretation, it would be difficult to argue which set is correct; however, for the sake of consistency, it would be desirable that the same set of points be used by everyone.

A review of detailed maps indicates that the first of the three sets listed in your memorandum is the most accurate (assuming a typographical error in the minutes of longitude for Duluth) and is close to that used by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). In order that all agencies of the Federal Government are defining Line A in the same way, we would recommend that we adopt the same points as used by NTIA. They are as follows:

Searsport ME Bangor ME Duluth MN Aberdeen WA
44-27-00 44-46-00 46-36-00 46-58-00 N
68-55-00 68-47-00 92-10-00 123-50-00 W

You may wish to note that NTIA is using the following points for defining each end of the line:

44-00-00 46-37-00 N
68-40-00 125-00-00 W

We recommend that these end points be used or that the line segments be extended, if necessary, in the same direction from the above end points.

If there are any questions, you are welcome to contact me at 653-8135.

Donald F. Weiland



Last Updated/Reviewed on: Friday, October 19, 2001 

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