Math Summit
Archived Information

More Resources
National Math Panel
  1. The agenda for the Secretary's Mathematics Summit

  2. Archived webcast of Summit proceedings

  3. Papers and PowerPoint presentations delivered at the Summit. These papers and presentations will be posted here as they become available.
    1. Secretary Rod Paige
    2. Science Advisor to the President John H. Marburger, III
    3. Tom Loveless, Brookings Institution — [ Presentation [downloadable files] PDF | Powerpoint ]
    4. William Schmidt, Michigan State University — [ Presentation [downloadable files] PDF | Powerpoint ]
    5. Craig Barrett, CEO, Intel Corporation
    6. IES Director Grover (Russ) Whitehurst — [ Presentation [downloadable files] PDF | Powerpoint ]
    7. NSF Director Rita Colwell
    8. NASA Deputy Administrator Frederick Gregory
    9. Alejandro Ádem, University of Wisconsin
    10. Deborah Loewenberg Ball, University of Michigan — [ Presentation [downloadable files] PDF | Powerpoint ]

  4. Description of Mathematics and Science Initiative

  5. Next steps

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Last Modified: 04/25/2006