What Organizations Are Doing to Improve Mathematics and Science Education
Archived Information

On March 13, as a follow-up to the Secretary's Summit on Mathematics, participants from business, K-12 and higher education, foundations, and professional organizations will convene to consider both what is going on currently to improve the quality of mathematics and science education in the U.S. and the nature of the problems confronting those who would do more.

Below are one-page descriptions of participating organizations' efforts to improve mathematics and science education. These descriptions, written by participants, are offered to help organizations see what other organizations are doing and perhaps identify opportunities to work together.

Descriptions are listed alphabetically by home organization. Where an organization submitted more than one, they are listed separately under the home organization's name.

Note: Individual programs may appear twice in the search results: once for the PDF file and once for the Word file.

Academy for Educational Development
     Carnegie Schools for a New Society  PDF | Word
     SAY YES to Family Math and Science Program Evaluation  PDF | Word
     Teacher Leader for Mathematics Success Evaluation  PDF | Word
     Teachers for a New Era  PDF | Word
     Urban Schools Science and Mathematics Program  PDF | Word

Actuarial Foundation  PDF | Word

AEL Eisenhower Consortium  PDF | Word

AGS Publishing  PDF | Word

American Association for the Advancement of Science
     Developing a Research Base  PDF | Word
     Engaging the Public  PDF | Word
     Improving Teacher Knowledge  PDF | Word

American Chemical Society
     Building a Research Base  PDF | Word
     Increasing Teacher Knowledge  PDF | Word
     Promoting Public Participation  PDF | Word

American Federation of Teachers
     Mini-Institute: Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning  PDF | Word
     Standards-Based Instruction Workshop  PDF | Word
     Thinking Mathematics Program  PDF | Word

American Mathematical Society  PDF | Word

American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges
     Crossroads Revisited  PDF | Word
     Engaging the Public  PDF | Word
     Improving Teacher Knowledge  PDF | Word
     Program and Curriculum Issues  PDF | Word
     Regional Conferences & Summer Institutes on K-8 Teacher Preparation  PDF | Word
     Traveling Workshops on K-8 Teacher Preparation  PDF | Word

American Physical Society  PDF | Word

American Psychological Association
     Public Understanding of Science  PDF | Word
     Research  PDF | Word
     Teacher Quality  PDF | Word

American Psychological Society: Applying the Science of Learning  PDF | Word

David C. Anchin Center
     Assessing Impact of NSF's Urban Systemic Initiative  PDF | Word
     Factors Enhancing STEM Career Paths  PDF | Word
     National Longitudinal Evaluation of Comprehensive School Reform  PDF | Word
     Research on Learning Technologies and Technology Supported Education  PDF | Word

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators  PDF | Word

Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics  PDF | Word

Boston College
     Brighton High School Mathematics Excellence Partnership  PDF | Word
     Mathematics Case Study Project  PDF | Word
     Partnerships Promoting Student Achievement in Mathematics  PDF | Word

Brookings Institution - Brown Center on Education Policy  PDF | Word

Building Engineering and Science Talent (BEST)  PDF | Word

Burroughs Wellcome Fund  PDF | Word

California Mathematics Council
     Improving Teacher Quality  PDF | Word
     Increasing Public Understanding  PDF | Word
     Supporting High Quality Research  PDF | Word

CCNY School of Education  PDF | Word

Center for Excellence in Education
     Role Models program  PDF | Word
     Supporting High-Quality Research  PDF | Word
     USA Biology Olympiad  PDF | Word

Center of Science Industry
     Academy  PDF | Word
     Cap City Kids 6th Grade After-School Program  PDF | Word
     COSI on Wheels  PDF | Word
     Electronic Education—Teacher Professional Development  PDF | Word
     Electronic Education—Video Visits  PDF | Word
     Exhibition Area Programs  PDF | Word
     Inquiry Learning for Schools  PDF | Word

Charlotte Mecklenburg School District  PDF | Word

Chicago Math and Science Initiative  PDF | Word

Cisco Learning Institute  PDF | Word

Clark-Atlanta University  PDF | Word

Cleveland Municipal School District  PDF | Word

The College Board  PDF | Word

College of Aeronautics  PDF | Word


Committee for Economic Development  PDF | Word

Council for Basic Education
     Academy for Teaching Excellence  PDF | Word
     Research  PDF | Word

Council of Chief State School Officers  PDF | Word

Council of State Science Supervisors  PDF | Word

DuPont Center for Collaborative Research & Education
     Delaware Elementary Science Initiative  PDF | Word
     DuPont Challenge Science Essay Contest  PDF | Word
     Science Olympiad National Tournament  PDF | Word
     South Carolina LASER Initiative  PDF | Word
     Tri-States Region LASER Initiative  PDF | Word
     Tri-States LASER Progress Report & Needs Analysis  PDF | Word

Education Development Center
     Building a Research Base (Math)  PDF | Word
     Building a Research Base (Science)  PDF | Word
     Improving Teacher Quality (Math)  PDF | Word
     Improving Teacher Quality (Science)  PDF | Word
     Public Engagement (Math)  PDF | Word
     Public Engagement (Science)  PDF | Word

Eisenhower National Clearinghouse  PDF | Word

El Dorado Foundation  PDF | Word

Exxon Mobil Foundation
     Building a Presence for Science  PDF | Word
     Career Opportunities for Minorities and Women  PDF | Word
     K-5 Mathematics Specialists Program  PDF | Word
     Project NExT  PDF | Word

Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies  PDF | Word

GE Fund Math Excellence Initiative  PDF | Word

Girl Scouts of the USA  PDF | Word

GlaxoSmithKline  PDF | Word

Gulf of Maine Aquarium  PDF | Word

John Hancock Financial Wizards  PDF | Word

Hands On Science Outreach
     Public Understanding  PDF | Word
     Research  PDF | Word
     Teacher Quality  PDF | Word

Harcourt School Publishers  PDF | Word

HOSTS Learning  PDF | Word

JASON Foundation
     JASON Academy Project  PDF | Word
     JASON Project  PDF | Word
     Mathemagica  PDF | Word

Learning First Alliance  PDF | Word

LessonLab, Inc.  PDF | Word

Los Angeles County Office of Education
     MathStar  PDF | Word
     TEAMS Distance Learning  PDF | Word

Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Education Publishing Group  PDF | Word

Massachusetts Department of Education
     Examination of School Factors and 8th Grade Math Assessment Performance  PDF | Word
     Middle School Mathematics Initiative  PDF | Word
     Recruitment of Mathematics and Science Teachers  PDF | Word
     Revisions of Teacher Licensing Regulations and Tests  PDF | Word
     Singapore Mathematics Project  PDF | Word
     Summer Content Institutes  PDF | Word

Mathematical Sciences Education Board
     Mathematics Learning Study  PDF | Word
     Next Steps in the Mathematics Preparation of Teachers, Grades 9-12  PDF | Word

Mathematics Association of America
     Mathematics Awareness Month  PDF | Word
     Preparing Mathematicians to Educate Teachers  PDF | Word
     Professional Enhancement Program  PDF | Word

Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA)
     Developing a Research Base  PDF | Word
     Improving Teacher Quality  PDF | Word
     Public Engagement  PDF | Word

Merck Institute for Science Education  PDF | Word

Miami-Dade County Public Schools  PDF | Word

Millennium Workshop  PDF | Word

Montana State University
     Improving Teacher Quality  PDF | Word
     Increasing Public Understanding  PDF | Word
     Supporting High Quality Research  PDF | Word

     Aerospace Education Services Program  PDF | Word
     Educator Astronaut Program  PDF | Word
     Explorer Schools Program  PDF | Word
     Office of Education—Public Engagement  PDF | Word
     Office of Space Science Education and Public Outreach  PDF | Word

National Academies
     Committee on Science Education  PDF | Word

National Alliance of State Science and Mathematics Coalitions
     Public Engagement  PDF | Word
     Teacher Improvement  PDF | Word

National Association of Manufacturers  PDF | Word

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
     Academy for Professional Development  PDF | Word
     Mathematics Education Research Catalyst Conference  PDF | Word
     Figure This! Public Engagement Initiative  PDF | Word
     Illuminations Site on the Marco Polo Website  PDF | Word
     Building Local and State Standards  PDF | Word

National Education Association  PDF | Word

National Institute for Child Health and Human Development/NIH  PDF | Word

National Middle School Association  PDF | Word

National Science Resources Center  PDF | Word

National Science Foundation
     Building a Research Base  PDF | Word
     Centers for Learning and Teaching Program  PDF | Word
     Improving Teacher Knowledge  PDF | Word
     Informal Science  PDF | Word
     Math and Science Partnership Program  PDF | Word

National Urban League  PDF | Word

New Jersey Department of Education
     Public Understanding  PDF | Word
     Teacher Quality  PDF | Word

New York State Education Department—Mathematics Initiative  PDF | Word

North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center  PDF | Word

North Carolina State University
     Center for Research on Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE)  PDF | Word
     Department of Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education  PDF | Word
     The Science House  PDF | Word

Nova Southeastern University  PDF | Word

Ohio State University—Teachers Teaching with Technology  PDF | Word

Owens (OH) Community College  PDF | Word

Pearson Education  PDF | Word

Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education  PDF | Word

Portland (OR) Public Schools  PDF | Word

Project MIND—Math Is Not Difficult  PDF | Word

Providence Public Schools  PDF | Word

PTC Design & Technology in Schools Program  PDF | Word

Region II Comprehensive Center
     Improving Teacher Knowledge (Mathematics)  PDF | Word
     Increasing Public Understanding  PDF | Word

Research for Better Schools  PDF | Word

RMC Research Corporation
     Comprehensive Assistance Centers  PDF | Word
     Educator's Guide to Collecting and Using Data  PDF | Word
     Evaluation of Mother Goose Cares about Math and Science  PDF | Word
     Help at Last  PDF | Word

Rosenbaum Foundation
     Inter-American University of Puerto Rico—Improve Teacher Knowledge  PDF | Word
     Singapore Mathematics  PDF | Word

Rutgers University—Newark Partnership  PDF | Word

William H. Sadlier, Inc. (Publisher)  PDF | Word

Sesame Workshop  PDF | Word

Southern California Comprehensive Assistance Center  PDF | Word

The Space Foundation  PDF | Word

The Space-Day Foundation  PDF | Word

Space Week  PDF | Word

TERC  PDF | Word

Texas Instruments  PDF | Word

Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education  PDF | Word

Universities Space Research Association  PDF | Word

University of California
     All Campus Consortium on Research for Diversity  PDF | Word
     California Mathematics Project  PDF | Word
     California Science Project  PDF | Word
     College Preparatory Initiative  PDF | Word
     Lawrence Hall of Science—Engaging the Public  PDF | Word
     Mathematics Professional Development Institutes  PDF | Word

University of California—Riverside  PDF | Word

University of Chicago School Mathematics Project (UCSMP)
     Everyday Mathematics Center  PDF | Word

University of Connecticut  PDF | Word

University of Louisville Diagnostic Teacher Inventory in Mathematics  PDF | Word

University of North Carolina at Charlotte
     Mathematics and Science Education Network Activities  PDF | Word
     Summer Teacher Institutes in Mathematics  PDF | Word

University of North Texas
     Elm Fork Education Center  PDF | Word
     Initial Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Program  PDF | Word
     Mathematics and Science Teacher Professional Development  PDF | Word
     Schools' Cooperative Opportunities for Resources and Education  PDF | Word
     Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science  PDF | Word
     Texas Center for Educational Technology  PDF | Word

University of Northern Colorado  PDF | Word

University of Texas at Austin—Charles A. Dana Center  PDF | Word

U.S. Department of Education
     Eisenhower Regional Mathematics and Science Education Consortia Program  PDF | Word
     Mathematics and Science Partnerships  PDF | Word

U.S. Department of Transportation
     Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program  PDF | Word
     Summer Transportation Institutes  PDF | Word

Wright Group/McGraw Hill Education Publishing Group  PDF | Word

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Last Modified: 10/01/2003