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Section Image Contexts of Postsecondary Education: Standard Error Tables
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Table S47-2.  Standard errors for the average net access price for full-time, full-year dependent students after grants and loans, by type of institution and family income: 1989–90, 1999–2000, and 2003–04

[In constant 2003-04 dollars]
Type of institution and family income 1989–90 1999–2000 2003–04

Public 2-year      
    Total $190 $220 $170
Low income 320 380 240
Lower middle income 240 200 210
Upper middle income 210 270 270
High income 240 190 160
Public 4-year      
    Total 90 100 90
Low income 120 130 160
Lower middle income 100 180 150
Upper middle income 90 130 160
High income 130 220 160
Private not-for-profit 4-year      
    Total 370 490 460
Low income 220 220 600
Lower middle income 280 480 500
Upper middle income 230 570 510
High income 630 580 590
Private for-profit less-than-4-year      
    Total 290 360 310
Low income 370 420 360
Lower middle income 410 570 490
Upper middle income 490 950 530
High income 930 520 690

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1989–90, 1999–2000, and 2003–04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Studies (NPSAS:90, NPSAS:2000, and NPSAS:04).

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