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ECONOMIC CENSUS (Classification)


The NC-99023, General Classification Report and the NC-99026, Classification Report are used to determine a North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for single-unit establishments where the Census Bureau does not have a complete NAICS code.

Obtaining a complete an accurate NAICS code through these forms allows the Census Bureau to determine whether more information is required later in the Economic Census, and, if so, the most appropriate form to be mailed. These forms also ensure the establishment is tabulated in the correct detailed industry.

The United States Code, Title 13, requires this census and provides for mandatory responses.


All domestic non-farm business establishments, other than those operated by governments.


Establishments provide data on physical location and principal business or activity. The NC-99023 form asks for class of customer and detail of sales, shipments, receipts, or revenues in order to assign a complete NAICS code.


Forms are mailed the year prior to the economic census and during the economic census (years ending in “2" or “7"). Forms are due 30 days after receipt.


A mail-out/mail back data collection for single-unit establishments.


Information obtained from these forms will be used to update the classification codes in the Business Register, the basic sampling frame for many of the Census Bureau’s current surveys, and to ensure that establishments are tabulated in the correct detailed industry for the economic census.





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Last revised: December 15, 2008