Nonindigenous Fishes
Introduced into Inland Waters of the United States

Pam L. Fuller, Leo G. Nico, and James D. Williams.
American Fisheries Society Special Publication Number 27.

After many long years of work, Nonindigenous Fishes Introduced into Inland Waters of the United States, a book summarizing 20+ years of research and information about fish introductions from our database, is finally done!

Thank you to all the people who helped us by providing information, answering questions, and reviewing accounts!

The book includes:

"Studying these species is critical to determining their possible effects on the native organisms and the physical environment. This book will be useful to those who want or need to understand the control and management of species already introduced as well as those being considered for introduction."

This book is intended for:

Views and Reviews

The book is being published by the American Fisheries Society and will be available in early April 1999. Cost is $49 ($34 for AFS members). You can order directly from their web site. They are also offering an accompanying set of slides to aid users in identifying transplanted native species discussed in the text.


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This page maintained by the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Program at the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies,
a research facility of the US Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division.

Last updated March 2, 1999