BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Turkey Local time: 06:39 AM


U.S. Commercial Service
Ankara, Turkey


The United States intends to stay the course in Iraq and help the people of Iraq build their country. The involvement of companies, development organizations, relief groups, and others is critical to the success of Iraqi reconstruction and therefore will play a vital role in facilitating the stability and security of the region. Products, services, systems, and applications are needed in dozens of categories: food, water, medicine, emergency shelter, hospital equipment, security, environmental clean-up, oil well repairs, oil refinery improvements, water pipe construction, road construction, railroad development, airport and seaport construction, school construction, telecommunications, and much more. This Fact Sheet is designed to provide information to firms interested in participating in Iraq's reconstruction efforts. Interested firms should contact relevant agencies and organizations directly for details on specific opportunities.

Supplies of Goods under the Oil for Food Program

The United Nations Office of the Iraq Program and the relevant United Nations agencies and programs have prepared a list of possible priority contracts containing goods that are considered immediate priorities in the light of present circumstances. However, the Office of the Iraq Program does not accept any direct queries from suppliers at this stage. The primary point of contact for companies is the Permanent Mission of their respective countries to the United Nations. All queries related to this program should be directed through the relevant permanent mission.


Food and Beverage Supplies to United States Military Forces

Companies seeking to contract for the supply of food products and beverages to United States Military Forces must be registered as an approved source having either been inspected by the United States Army Veterinary Command or qualifying as an approved source by meeting sanitation requirements from an authority recognized by U.S. Army Veterinary Command. The U.S. Army Veterinary Service performs sanitation audits of commercial food establishments at the request of military contracting agencies. They cannot perform sanitation audits of food production facilities unless a U.S. Military contracting agency requests it. Examples of such agencies include: 1) Defense Commissary Agency (; 2) Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (; 3) Army Air Force Exchange Service (; and 4) Naval Regional Contracting Center (

U.S. Agency for International Development Contracts

The U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) is actively involved in providing reconstruction assistance to rehabilitate critical infrastructure; support essential health and education services; promote a competitive private sector, generate employment opportunities, improve agricultural productivity; and foster social and political stability by helping meet citizens' basic needs within their communities. USAID has issued eight solicitations to date for reconstruction activities in Iraq. The prime American contractors for these contracts will be able to award subcontracts to qualified U.S. firms, and foreign firms which are located in Iraq Coalition partner countries. USAID anticipates that 50% or more of the sub-contract work will be available to non-American firms. To date, USAID has provided assistance for reconstruction
activities in Iraq to UNICEF and WHO for health, education, and water and sanitation needs, Stevedoring Services of America (SSA) to assess and manage the Umm Qasr port, Creative Associates
International to address education issues, the Research Triangle Institute to pursue local governance initiatives, the Air Force Contract Augmentation Program (AFCAP) to provide logistical support, and Bechtel for the repair, rehabilitation or reconstruction of vital elements of Iraq's infrastructure. Companies interested in USAID contracts can fill out a form on-line.


Department of Defense Hot Line on Oil Facilities Contracts

For support of potential operations to control and mitigate damage to Iraq's oil facilities, please contact:
Tel: 1-866-461-5171. Fax: 703-693-1483


For companies seeking potential construction contracts with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in the region, the Corp of Engineers in Europe requests contractors to obtain the following:

1) A Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) identification number.
2) A NCAGE identification number. U.S. companies should register at Turkish companies register with the Turkish Ministry of Defense.
3) The company must be a registered contractor to the Department of Defense. Registration is on line at (Central Contractor Registration).

Though Central Contractor Registration (CCR) is not required for foreign firms under contract outside CONUS, major contractors may request vendors and suppliers to register as a formal business practice. The above procedure for the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers is the procedure to follow for any company seeking to register with the Department of Defense.

Public Donation Information

The most effective way people can assist relief efforts is by making cash donations to humanitarian organizations that are conducting relief operations. A list of humanitarian organizations that are accepting cash donations for their activities in the Gulf can be found in the "How Can I Help" section at USAID's website Cash donations are encouraged because they allow aid professionals to procure the exact items needed; reduce the burden on scarce resources (such staff time, warehouse space, etc); can be transferred very quickly and without transportation costs; support the economy of the disaster-stricken region; ensure culturally, dietary, and environmentally appropriate assistance. In addition, interested donors or volunteers may also wish to contact the following organizations:

The Center for International Disaster Information: or 703-276-1914
Information on relief activities of the humanitarian community can be found at