Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge
Mountain-Prairie Region
~ Mid Dakota Fire District ~

Fire District includes
four different complexes: Tewaukon NWRC, Waubay NWRC, Sand Lake NWRC and Kulm WMD. Fee title lands total approximately 177,000 acres across 21 counties in both North and South Dakota. The Tewaukon Fire District staff is responsible to plan and implement all fire management activities, both wildfire and prescribed fire missions, within the district.

Fire District Goals & Objectives
include the enhancement and maintenance of waterfowl and wildlife resources through hazardous fuel reduction. This is achieved through prescribed burning practices, habitat management, wetland/habitat preservation and restoration and environmental education.

Fire Activity
see the annual narratives for the action within the fire program:
. 2002 -- Note, this is a large file (2,420 KB - Word Document)
. 2003 -- Note, this is a large file (499 KB - Word Document)
. 2004 -- Note, this is a large file (621 KB - Word Document)
. 2005 -- Note, this is a large file (1,729 KB - Word Document)
. 2006
. 2007
. 2008

For employment opportunities within the fire program, see www.usajobs.opm.gov/

For more information about the fire program, contact:

  • Fire Management Officer, Sand Lake NWR Colby_Crawfowd@fws.gov
  • Fire Program Technician, Tewaukon NWR Jeff_Olson@fws.gov
  • Fire Technician, Sand Lake WMD --vacant position--
  • Prescribed Fire Specialist, Waubay WMD --vacant position--
Last updated: September 10, 2008