Table 9.—Employment by Nonbank Foreign Affiliates, by Major Area and Industry of Affiliate, 1982 and 1989-95

Thousands of employees Change, 1994-95 Percent change at annual rates
1982 1994 1995 1982-94 1994-95
All areas, all industries 6,640.2 7,104.6 7,377.0 272.4 0.6 3.8
By major area
Canada 913.8 891.6 918.1 26.5 -.2 3.0
Europe 2,766.7 2,889.6 3,014.5 124.9 .4 4.3
Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere 1,350.6 1,512.1 1,485.2 -26.9 .9 -1.8
Africa 251.4 116.6 126.5 9.9 -6.2 8.5
Middle East 154.5 71.5 73.4 1.9 -6.2 2.7
Asia and Pacific 1,159.7 1,598.2 1,747.6 149.4 2.7 9.3
International/1/ 43.7 25.0 11.8 -13.2 -4.5 -52.8
By major industry
Petroleum 410.7 226.6 230.9 4.3 -4.8 1.9
Manufacturing 4,428.6 4,263.4 4,376.6 113.2 -.3 2.7
Food and kindred products 447.7 553.9 554.4 .5 1.8 .1
Chemicals and allied products 589.6 582.3 591.9 9.6 -.1 1.6
Primary and fabricated metals 320.6 188.7 195.7 7.0 -4.3 3.7
Industrial machinery and equipment 525.5 495.2 529.4 34.2 -.5 6.9
Electronic and other electric equipment 677.7 765.4 846.0 80.6 1.0 10.5
Transportation equipment 926.4 733.3 697.6 -35.7 -1.9 -4.9
Other manufacturing 941.1 944.6 961.5 16.9 (*) 1.8
Wholesale trade 477.3 550.6 538.3 -12.3 1.2 -2.2
Finance (except depository institutions), insurance and real estate 118.2 168.4 191.0 22.6 3.0 13.4
Services 318.5 730.7 779.8 49.1 7.1 6.7
Other industries 887.0 1,165.0 1,260.4 95.4 2.3 8.2

* Less than .05 percent (+/-).

1. The country category "international" consists of affiliates that have operations spanning more than one country and that are engaged in petroleum shipping, other water transportation, or offshore oil and gas drilling.