(Dollars in Thousands)

  Pos. FTE Amount
2005 Obligations   669 604 $299,191
2006 Appropriation   655 1/ 672 233,233
  2006 Rescission Against Balances   0 0 -1,332
  2006 Rescission -- Reduction applied to DOJ (0.28%)   0 0 -653
  2006 Rescission -- Government-wide reduction (1.0%)   0 0 -2,326
2006 Enacted (with Rescissions)   655 672 228,922
Transfer from State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance for administrative functions 0 0 53,331
Transfer from Juvenile Justice Programs for administrative functions 0 0 12,801
2006 Enacted (with Rescissions and Transfers) 655 672 295,054
2007 Request   655 672 1,083,686
Change 2007 from 2006   0 0 788,632
Technical Adjustments          
  Restoration of 2006 Rescission of Prior Year Unobligated Balances   0 0 1,332
  Restoration of 2006 Government-wide Rescission (1%)   0 0 17,726
Total Technical Adjustments   0 0 19,058
Adjustments to Base            
  Transfer from State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance as part of budget realignment   0 0 1,199,781
  Transfer from Weed and Seed Program Fund as part of budget realignment   0 0 49,361
  Transfer from Juvenile Justice Programs as part of budget realignment   0 0 325,561
  Transfer from Community Oriented Policing Services as part of budget realignment   0 0 215,202
  Transfer from Public Safety Officers Benefits as part of budget realignment   0 0 72,834
  Transfer from Office on Violence Against Women as part of budget realignment   0 0 23,026
Increases (see OJP's Summary of Requirements table)   0 0 8,610
Decreases (see OJP's Summary of Requirements table)   0 0 -139,515
Total Adjustments to Base   0 0 1,754,860
Total Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments   0 0 1,773,918
2007 Current Services   655 672 2,068,972
Program Increases      0 0 411,946
Program Offsets  0 0 -1,397,232
Total Program Changes   0 0 -985,286
2007 Request   655 672 1,083,686
  Change 2007 from 2006   0 0 788,632
2007 Mandatory Request -- Public Safety Officers Death Benefits Program (as part of Direct Services for Victims of Crime)   0 0 49,734
2007 Discretionary Request   655 672 1,033,952
Rescission from Balances   0 0 -127,500
Net 2007 Discretionary Request   655 672 906,452
1/ Does not include 17 reimbursable positions.


(Dollars in Thousands)

  2006 Enacted w/ Rescission   2007 Current Services /1   2007 Request   Total Program Changes
Perm           Perm           Perm           Perm        
Comparison by activity and program     Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount
1.Improving the Criminal Justice System   0 0 48,608 198 198 1,235,658 198 198 335,038 0 0 -900,620
2. Research, Development, Evaluation and Statistics   0 0 88,858 183 196 128,204 183 196 118,991 0 0 -9,213
3. Technology for Crime Identification   0 0 0 22 22 161,222 22 22 214,748 0 0 53,526
4. Strengthening the Juvenile Justice System   0 0 0 114 114 334,498 114 114 175,930 0 0 -158,568
5. Substance Abuse: Demand Reduction   0 0 0 42 46 36,505 42 46 79,899 0 0 43,394
6. Services for Victims of Crime   0 0 58,250 96 96 123,151 96 96 109,346 0 0 -13,805
7. Management and Administration   655 655 100,687 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Subtotal, Discretionary   655 655 296,403 655 672 2,019,238 655 672 1,033,952 0 0 -985,286
  Reimbursable FTE         17     17     17        
Requested Rescission of Prior Year                          
  Unobligated Balances   0 0 -1,332 0 0 0 0 0 -127,500 0 0 -127,500
  Subtotal, Discretionary   655 672 295,071 655 689 2,019,238 655 689 906,452 0 0 -1,112,786
  Public Safety Officers' Death Benefits   0 0 64,000 0 0 49,734 0 0 49,734 0 0 0
  Grand Total         655 672 359,071 655 689 2,068,972 655 689 956,186 0 0 -1,112,786

Consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act, the 2007 budget proposes to streamline the decision unit structure of DOJ components to align more closely with the mission and strategic objectives contained in the DOJ Strategic Plan (2003-2008). In addition, the budget has been realigned to reflect each component's outputs and full costs by major program activity, including the costs of management and administration, so that a more accurate picture of total activity costs is reflected in the budget. In this way, budget and performance are more closely linked, and provide a better basis on which to make budget decisions. Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs.


(Dollars in Thousands)

Major Program Proposals: 2006
Improving the Criminal Justice System    
1. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program 327,245 0
The 2007 budget proposes to eliminate funding for this program.
2. Indian Country Prison Grants 8,885 0
The budget proposes to eliminate funding for this program in OJP, which was appropriated $8,885,000 in 2006 for this program. A new COPS/OJP Tribal Law Enforcement Program is proposed to streamline tribal grant programs, and the FY07 proposed budget under COPS is $31,065,000, which is $16,257,000 more than was appropriated under COPS in 2006 for Indian Country.
3. Tribal Courts 7,898 0
The budget proposes to eliminate funding for this program in OJP, which was appropriated $7,898,000 in 2006. A new COPS/OJP Tribal Law Enforcement Program is proposed to streamline tribal grant programs. The FY07 proposed budget under COPS is $31,065,000, which is $16,257,000 more than was appropriated under COPS in 2006 for Indian Country.
4. Byrne Discretionary Grants 189,256 0
For FY 2007, the budget does not include funds for Byrne Discretionary Grants. The original purpose of this program was to provide discretionary grant funding in support of a wide array of activities, especially those that demonstrate, test and evaluate innovations and best practices. However, for the past several years, the level of earmarking within this program has severly hampered OJP's ability to address new and innovative criminal justice initiatives. Traditionally, the discretionary grant program served as a vehicle to fund OJP and Administration initiatives in the area of state and local criminal justice improvements in topics ranging from gun safety, drug testing, alternatives to incarceration, and community-based justice. This program has an 2006 enacted level of $189,256,000; this funding is eliminated in 2007.
5. Bulletproof Vests 29,617 9,820
The 2007 budget proposes a total funding level of $9,820,000 for this program. The Bulletproof Vest Program helps states, units of local government, and tribal governments equip their law enforcement and corrections officers with armored vests. This program was appropriated $29,617,000 in 2006.
6. Grants for Closed Circuit Television 973 0
The 2007 budget proposes to eliminate funding for this demonstration program, whose mission has been accomplished. This program was appropriated $973,000 in 2006.
7. USA Freedom Corps 0 4,960
The 2007 budget proposes to fund the USA Freedom Corps as a separate, standalone program. This program funds two separate initiatives: the Neighborhood Watch Program (NWP) and the Volunteers in Police Service Program (VIPS). The VIPS Program maximizes service and volunteer opportunities for civilians to collaborate with local police agencies. No funding was appropriated for this program in 2006.
8. ChildSafe Initiative 987 992
The proposed budget will provide a total of $992,000 to continue this initiative in 2007. The goal of Project ChildSafe is to distribute 65,000,000 gun locks throughout the Nation. This program distributes safety kits in partnership with local law enforcement agencies in communities across the country. Each kit contains printed materials on both safe gun storage and gun safety information, as well as a cable-style gun lock. This program is a key part of the Administration's Project Safe Neighborhoods Initiative. This program was appropriated $987,000 in 2006.
9. National White Collar Crime Center/Cyber Fraud and Computer Forensics Program 8,885 0
The FY 2006 enacted level for this program is $8,885,000; funding for this program is eliminated in the 2007 budget.
10. Project Reentry 4,936 14,879
The proposed budget will result in a total funding level of $14,879,000 for this program, which will coordinate its efforts with a larger interagency initiative involving the collaboration of the Departments of Labor and Health and Human Service. The funding is part of a four-year, $300,000,000 prisoner initiative to reduce recidivism rates and the societal costs of reincarceration by helping inmates return to live and work in American communities. The initiative harnesses the resources and experience of the faith-based and community organizations to achieve this goal. The 2006 enacted level for this program is $4,936,000.
11. Capital Litigation Improvement Grants Program 987 14,879
This funding will be used to continue training to private defense counsel and public defenders, state and local prosecutors, and state judges to improve the competency of all participants connected with the trial of state capital cases. The 2006 enacted level for this program is $987,000.
12. Regional Information Sharing System 39,719 39,676
The 2007 budget proposes a total funding level of $39,676,000 for the Regional Information Sharing System (RISS). The RISS regional centers facilitate and encourage information sharing and communications to support member agencies' investigative and prosecution efforts by providing state-of-the-art investigative support and training, analytical services, specialized equipment, secure information sharing technology, and secure encrypted e-mail and communication capabilities to over 6,000 municipal, county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies nationwide. This program has a 2006 appropriation level of $39,719,000.
13. State and Local Gun Violence Assistance Program 14,808 58,523
The proposed budget would provide a total of $58,523,000 to continue this initiative in 2007. The State and Local Gun Violence Assistance Program is part of the Administration's Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) initiative, which utilizes a comprehensive approach to combat gun violence by linking together local, state, and federal law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and community leaders to implement a multi-faceted strategy to deter and punish gun violators from all sides. Funding available under the State and Local Gun Violence Reduction Program supports all components of the PSN initiative, including the strategic planning, outreach, and accountability components of the PSN initiative. It provides support for local prosecutors, investigators, supervision staff, analysts, and research partners working with designated PSN Task Forces in each of the 94 U.S. Attorney districts and supports programs that develop and promote community outreach efforts. Also, funding provided to targeted sites supports training, technical assistance, and workshops for members of local task forces. This program was appropriated $14,808,000 in FY 2006.
14. Gang Prevention and Enforcement Program 0 14,879
The budget proposes this new program in FY 2007 which will provide technical assistance to state and localities in support of efforts to disrupt criminal gang activity reduce the threat of terrorism and violent crime through enhanced sharing of criminal intelligence.
15. Southwest Border Prosecutor Initiative 29,617 29,757
The proposed budget would provide a total of $29,757,000 to continue this initiative in 2007. This program provides funding for local prosecutor offices in four states (California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico) along the Southwest Border for the costs of processing, detaining, and prosecuting drug and other cases referred from federal arrests or federal investigations. The program was appropriated $29,617,000 in 2006.
16. Training for Probation and Parole Officers 4,895 4,918
The proposed budget would provide a total of $4,918,000 for this initiative. This program, also known as the Sex Offenders Management (CSOM) Program, assists state and local jurisdictions as they establish comprehensive strategies to manage sex offenders under community supervision, implement such strategies, or enhance their current array of strategies. The 2006 appropriation for this program is $4,895,000.
17. Prescription Drug Monitoring Program 7,404 9,919
The 2007 budget requested would provide a total of $9,919,000 to continue this program. This program helps states plan or implement a prescription drug monitoring program by establishing a data collection and analysis system; developing skills to analyze and use collected data; facilitating the exchange of information and prescription data among states; and assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of the programs. The 2006 enacted level for this program is $7,404,000.
18. Prison Rape Prevention and Prosecution Program 17,943 1,984
The 2007 budget proposes a total of $1,984,000 for this program. This funding will be used to collect statistics.
19. Weed and Seed Program 49,361 49,348
The Weed and Seed Program assists communities in developing and implementing comprehensive strategies to weed out violent crime, illegal drug and gun trafficking, and illegal gang activity and to seed communities with crime prevention programs. The 2006 enacted level is $49,361,000.
20. State Criminal Alien Assistance Program 399,828 0
No funding is proposed for this program in 2007. OMB's PART review found this program lacks performance goals and cannot demonstrate results as currently designed, earning a rating of "results not demonstrated." The 2006 enacted level is $399,828,000.
21. National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan 9,872 0
The 2007 budget request would eliminate funding for this intiative, which was appropriated $9,872,000 in FY 2006. This initiative has received sufficient funds in FY 2005-2006 to complete its mission.
22. What Works Clearinghouse 0 992
The 2007 budget request will establish a dedicated funding stream that will allow OJP to continue its efforts to make information on the known effectiveness of criminal justice programs and interventions available on the web in order to assist state and localities in their planning efforts.
23. Mental Ill Offender Program 4,936 0
The 2007 budget request would eliminate funding for this program, which was appropriated $4,936,000 in FY 2006.
24. Combating Domestic Trafficking in Persons 0 20,000
The 2007 budget proposes $20,000,000 to establish a program to provide grants for state and local law enforcement to improve programs to investigate and prosecute acts of severe forms of trafficking in persons and sex trafficking, and for other purposes authorized under Title II, section 204 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005.
25. National Stalker and Domestic Violence Reduction Program (Stalker Database) 2,924 2,938
The 2007 budget request will provide a total of $2,938,000 for the National Stalker and Domestic Violence Reduction Program (Stalker Database). This program provides assistance to state and units of local government to improve processes for entering data regarding stalking and domestic violence into local, state, and national crime information databases. The 2006 appropriation for this program is $2,924,000.
26. National Criminal History Improvements Program 9,873 39,180
The budget request will provide a total of $39,180,000 for this program in 2007. This program provides grants to states to improve their criminal history and related records so that they are complete and accurate and available for use by federal, state, and local law enforcement. This program also permits states (and the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, NICS, where appropriate) to identify: ineligible firearm purchasers; persons ineligible to hold positions involving children, the elderly or disabled; and persons subject to protective orders or wanted, arrested or convicted of stalking and/or domestic violence. The 2006 enacted level for this program is $9,873,000.
Research, Development, Evaluation and Statistics    
1. Criminal Justice Statistical Program 34,553 59,812
The 2007 budget provides a total funding level of $59,812,000 for the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The program funding will be used to further the statistical gathering efforts of BJS and has been adjusted to included BJS administrative costs. The FY 2006 enacted level for this program is $34,553,000.
2. Research, Evaluation, and Demonstration Programs 54,298 56,241
The proposed budget provides a total funding level of $56,241,000 for the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). This funding will be used to continue to support social science research, the NIJ technology centers, and the Office of Science and Technology. The FY 2006 enacted level is $54,298,000.
Technology for Crime Identification    
1. Crime Information Technology Act Program 28,407 0
Funding for this program is proposed to be eliminated. Funding for improvements will be supported under the DNA initiative. The 2006 enacted level for this program is $28,407,000.
2. DNA Initiative 107,145 175,568
The proposed budget would provide a total funding level of $175,568,000 for the DNA Initiative in 2007. This funding will be used to reduce convicted offender and crime scene backlogs, strengthen the general capabilities of labs, fund DNA research and development projects, provide specialized training to law enforcement and lab and medical personnel, pay for programs and educational materials that employ DNA technology to identify missing persons, and fund a post-conviction DNA testing program. The 2006 enacted level for this program is $107,145,000.
3. Coverdell Grants 18,264 0
Funding for this program is proposed for elimination in 2007. Funding for lab improvements will be supported under the DNA initiative. This program has a 2006 enacted level of $18,264,000.
2. Part B: Formula Grants 78,978 93,187
The proposed budget will provide a total of $93,187,000 for this program to support state and local efforts to develop and implement comprehensive State juvenile justice plans based on detailed studies of needs in their jurisdictions, and enable them to meet the goals of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. Included within the funding level proposed for 2007 is $10,000,000 for training and technical assistance to help small, non-profit organizations, including faith-based organizations, with the federal grants process. This program received a 2006 appropriated level of $78,978,000.
3. Part C:Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Block Grants 0 33,452
The proposed budget will provide a total of $33,452,000 to initiate this new program in 2007. This program was established under the 21st Century Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2002 and authorizes block grants to only those states that participate in the Part B Formula Grant Program to carry out activities under one or more of 25 eligible purpose areas designed to prevent juvenile delinquency.
4. Part D: Research, Evaluation, Training and Technical Assistance 0 10,034
The proposed budget will provide a total of $10,034,000 for this program in 2007. This program was established under the 21st Century Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2002 and provides training and technical assistance regarding the prevention, treatment, and control of juvenile delinquency. This program was appropriated no funding in 2006.
5. Part E: Developing, Testing, and Demonstrating Promising New Initiatives 104,674 6,547
The budget request will provide a total of $6,547,000 for this program in 2007. This program was established under the 21st Century Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2002. The program decrease will eliminate earmarked funding and use the remaining funding for a juvenile mentoring program and an initiative to end child prostitution. This program was appropriated $104,674,000 in 2006.
6. Title V: Delinquency Prevention Program, Incentive Grants 64,171 32,004
The budget request will result in a total of $32,004,000 for this program in 2007 for incentive grants. The 2006 enacted level for this program is $64,171,000.
7. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant 49,361 0
The budget proposes to eliminate funding for this program which was appropriated $49,361,000 in 2006. Similar activities can be funded under Part C Juvenile Delinquency Block Grants, which are proposed in 2007.
8. Secure Our Schools Program 14,808 0
The 2007 budget proposes to eliminate funding for this program, which was appropriated $14,808,000 in 2006.
9. Juvenile Mentoring Program 9,872 0
The 2007 budget proposes to eliminate funding for this program. Such initiatives can be addressed through the Part C Juvenile Block Grant and funding for a mentoring program is requested under Part E.
Substance Abuse: Demand Reduction    
1. Drug Courts 9,872 69,186
The proposed budget will provide a total of $69,186,000 for this program. The Drug Courts Program is a competitive, discretionary grant program designed to help communities plan, implement, and enhance drug courts. The 2007 proposed enhancement will be used to expand the number of drug courts; enhance existing drug courts; fund tribal planning grants; and pay for training, technical assistance, and evaluation efforts. The FY 2006 enacted level for this program is $9,872,000.
2. Indian Alcohol and Crime Demonstration Program 4,936 0
This program is proposed for elimination in 2007. The 2007 budget proposes to consolidate all Indian country funding under one flexible COPS/OJP Indian Grant Program for a total of $31,065,000 in the COPS appropriation.
3. Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program 9,872 0
This program is proposed for elimination in 2007. The FY 2006 enacted level for this program is $9,872,000.
4. Cannabis Eradication Program 4,936 10,713
The goal of this program is to halt the spread of marijuana cultivation in the United States by conducting programs of eradication aimed at destroying wild or illicit growth of plant species from which controlled substances may be extracted. State and local agencies from all 50 states have participating in this program, which was transferred from the Drug Enforcement Administration in the 2006 appropriation, which provided $4,936,000 in funding. The proposed budget includes a total funding level of $10,713,000 for this program in 2007.
Services to Victims of Crime    
1. Victims of Trafficking 9,872 1,488
This budget request will provide a total program level of $1,488,000 to fund additional grants under this program.
2. State Victim Notification Grants 8,885 0
No funding is requested for this program in 2007, which was established in the 2005 DOJ appropriation. Funding totaling approximately $40.7 million for other activities authorized under the Justice For All Act (see Justice For All and Crime Victims Fund Management and Administration descriptions below), is requested in 2007, including $11.46 million under Justice Assistance and $29.205 million under the Crime Victims Fund.
3. Public Safety Officers' Disability Benefits Program 4,822 4,821
The proposed budget will provide a total of $4,821,000 for this program, which is sufficient funding to address the anticipated number of claims expected in 2007. This program provides benefits for federal, state, and local public safety officers disabled in the line of duty. This program has an FY 2006 enacted level of $4,822,000.
4. Public Safety Officers' Educational Assistance Program 4,012 4,007
The proposed budget will provide a total of $4,007,000 for this program, which provides educational support for member of officers' families. In order to be eligible, an individual must have received a portion of the Public Safety Officers' Death Benefit or be the dependent of an officer who received the Public Safety Officers' Disability Benefit. The total level requested is sufficient to address the number of claims anticipated in 2007. This program has an FY 2006 enacted level of $4,012,000.
5. Child Abuse Training for Judicial Personnel 2,258 2,263
The proposed budget will provide a total of $2,263,000 in 2007 for this program, that provides training and technical assistance to professionals involved in investigating, prosecuting, and treating child abuse, and supports the development of Children's Advocacy Centers and/or multi-disciplinary teams. The 2006 enacted level for this program is $2,258,000.
6. Missing Alzheimers' Patient Program 839 0
The budget proposes to eliminate funding for this program in 2007.
7. Court-Appointed Special Advocate 11,745 11,750
The proposed budget will provide a total of $11,750,000 for this program that works to improve the manner in which courts and the child welfare system manage child abuse cases by providing court representation for children under dependency court jurisdiction. It provides training and technical assistance to build capacity within communities. The FY 2006 enacted level for this program is $11,745,000.
8. Improving the Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse 14,808 11,679
The proposed budget will provide a total funding level of $11,679,000 for this program, which provides grants for training and technical assistance to investigators and prosecutors of child abuse cases and grants to improve coordination among community agencies and professionals involved in the child abuse intervention system. This decrease is attributable to the fact that more money was appropriated in 2006 for this program than was anticipated. This program was appropriated $14,808,000 in 2006 compared to a request level of $11,774,000.
9. Missing and Exploited Children's Program 47,387 50,928
The proposed budget will provide a total of $50,928,000 for this program. Included within is funding for the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Regional Task Force Program, which provides nationwide coverage in the investigation and prosecution of ICAC cases. Also included is funding for the AMBER Alert Program, which is a voluntary partnership between law enforcement agencies and broadcasters to activate an urgent bulletin in the most serious child abduction cases.
10. Justice For All 1,974 9,960
The proposed budget will provide a total of $9,960,000 for this program. Of this total, $4,960,000 will be used to enhance the federal victim notification system and $5,000,000 will be used for grants to provide legal counsel and support services for victims.
11. Sex Offender Registry 0 1,984
The budget proposal will provide a dedicated funding stream in 2007 to continue the development of a nationwide sex offender registry system that links state systems together.
12. Crime Victims Fund Administration Costs 0 10,466
The budget will provide a total funding level of $10,466,000 for Crime Victims Fund management and administration. Included within this amount is $1,500,000 for services in support of the Justice For All Act.


(Dollars in Thousands)

Program Realignment

Consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act, the 2007 budget proposes to streamline the decision unit structure of DOJ components to align more closely with the mission and strategic objectives contained in the DOJ Strategic Plan (FY 2003-2008). In addition, the budget has been realigned to reflect each component's outputs and full costs by major program activity, including the costs of management and administration, so that a more accurate picture of total activity costs is reflected in the budget. In this way, budget and performance are more closely linked, and provide a better basis on which to make budget decisions. Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs.

As part of its effort to realign resources to the DOJ Strategic Plan, the 2007 budget proposes to consolidate funding for OJP-administered programs funded under the Justice Assistance appropriation. In 2007, OJP has realigned its management and administration funding to reflect the full cost, both administrative and programmatic, of each OJP program. In order to achieve this, OJP's management and administration resources were redistributed among all OJP programs so that the budgeted administrative costs for each program were more closely aligned with actual administrative costs. The table below depicts the total funds for each program and the net program funds once administrative costs are subtracted. The net program fund amounts correspond to the amounts included for each program under the Justice Assistance appropriation language in the 2007 President's Budget Appendix.

      FY 2007 Request
  Program Admin Total
Improving the Criminal Justice System  
Bulletproof Vest Partnership 9,000 820 9,820
What Works   814 178 992
Boys and Girls Clubs of America 57,300 2,212 59,512
USA Freedom Corps   4,600 360 4,960
Childsafe Initiative   814 178 992
Project Reentry   13,500 1,379 14,879
Regional Information Sharing System 38,000 1,676 39,676
State and Local Gun Violence Assistance Program55,000 3,523 58,523
VAWA II Stalking Databases 2,577 361 2,938
National Criminal Recordss History Improvement Program 35,379 3,801 39,180
Southwest Border Prosecutor Initiative 28,000 1,757 29,757
Training Programs to Assist Probation & Parole Officers 4,378 540 4,918
Weed and Seed Program 41,962 7,386 49,348
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program 9,000 919 9,919
Prison Rape Prevention & Prosecution 1,484 500 1,984
Gang Prevention and Enforcement 13,500 1,379 14,879
Capital Litigation Improvement Grant Program 13,500 1,379 14,879
Combatting Domestice Trafficking in Persons 18,750 1,250 20,000
  Total $347,558 $29,598 $377,156
Research, Development, Evaluation and Statistics on and Statistics  
Criminal Justice Statistical Programsms 44,897 14,915 59,812
Research, Evaluation, and Demonstration Programs stration Programs 45,231 11,010 56,241
  Total $90,128 $25,925 $116,053
Technology for Crime Identification      
DNA Initiative:   161,250 14,318 175,568
    Total $161,250 $14,318 $175,568
Strengthening the Juvenile Justice System    
Part A: Concentration of Federal Efforts 345 361 706
Part B: Formula Grants 88,185 5,002 93,187
Part C: Juvenile Delinguency Block Grants 28,986 4,466 33,452
Part D: Research/Eval/T&TA (new) 7,782 2,252 10,034
Part E: Demos (new)   5,475 1,072 6,547
Title V: Local Delinquency Prevention Incentive Grants 24,618 7,386 32,004
  Total $155,391 $20,539 $175,930
Substance Abuse    
Drug Courts   60,000 9,186 69,186
Cannabis Eradication Program 8,000 2,713 10,713
  Total $68,000 $11,899 $79,899
Victims of Crime        
Crime Victims Fund (M&A only) 0 10,466 10,466
Victims of Trafficking   1,310 178 1,488
Justice for All Act   9,000 960 9,960
Sex Offender Registry   1,623 361 1,984
Public Safety Officers Disability Benefit Program 3,379 1,442 4,821
Public Safety Officers Death Educational Assistance 2,565 1,442 4,007
Child Abuse Training Programs for Judicial Personnel 1,902 361 2,263
Court Appointed Special Advocate 11,000 750 11,750
Improving Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse 10,778 901 11,679
Missing and Exploited Childrens Program 49,000 1,928 50,928
VAWA Transitional Housing  
  Total $90,557 $18,789 $109,346
  Total, Justice Assistance Discretionary $912,884 $121,068 $1,033,952
Public Safety Officers Death Benefit Program (MANDATORY) 49,734 0 49,734
  Total, Justice Assistance   $962,618 $121,068 $1,083,686
Rescission from Balances   -$127,500