(Dollars in Thousands)

      Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount
2005 Obligations   48 43 $8,157 566 478 $78,261 801 767 $135,324 1,074 1,041 $177,622 439 497 $89,274 37 30 $5,175 737 688 $107,503 62 52 $12,255 0 0 $24 3 0 $271 3,767 3,596 $613,866
2006 Appropriation   48 49 8,399 566 518 81,548 818 823 144,957 1,118 1,114 195,359 439 493 93,974 37 37 5,937 737 739 110,447 62 64 20,852 0 0 0 3 3 486 3,828 3,840 661,959
2006 Rescission -- Reduction applied to DOJ (0.28%)   0 0 -24 0 0 -228 0 0 -406 0 0 -547 0 0 -263 0 0 -17 0 0 -309 0 0 -58 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -1,853
2006 Rescission -- Government-wide reduction (1.0%)   0 0 -84 0 0 -813 0 -6 -1,445 -18 -18 -1,948 0 0 -937 0 0 -59 0 0 -1,101 0 0 -208 0 0 0 0 0 -5 -18 -24 -6,600
2006 Enacted (with Rescissions)   48 49 8,291 566 518 80,507 818 817 143,106 1,100 1,096 192,864 439 493 92,774 37 37 5,861 737 739 109,037 62 64 20,586 0 0 0 3 3 480 3,810 3,816 653,506
2007 Request   48 49 9,977 595 531 87,691 746 751 137,061 1,208 1,176 213,286 436 490 95,051 37 37 6,278 733 735 113,583 63 65 20,812 0 0 0 3 3 586 3,869 3,837 684,325
Change 2007 from 2006   0 0 1,686 29 13 7,184 -72 -66 -6,045 108 80 20,422 -3 -3 2,277 0 0 417 -4 -4 4,546 1 1 226 0 0 0 0 0 106 59 21 30,819
Technical Adjustments                                                      
Restoration of 2006 Government-wide reduction (1.0%)       84   813   6 1,445   1,948   937   59     1,101   208         5     6,600
2007 Impact of 2006 Recission (1.0%)       -93   -816   -6 -1,276   -1,985   -885   -58   -1,057   -194         -5     -6,369
Total Technical Adjustments   0 0 -9 0 0 -3 0 0 169 0 0 -37 0 0 52 0 0 1 0 0 44 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 231
Adjustments to Base                                                        
Transfer of attorneys and related funding to USA   0 0 0 -3 -3 -432 0 0 0 -6 -6 -865 -3 -3 -432 0 0 0 -4 -4 -576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -16 -16 -2,305
Transfer of resources to NSD   0 0 0 0 0 0 -74 -74 -13,372 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -74 -74 -13,372
Subtotal Transfers   0 0 0 -3 -3 -432 -74 -74 -13,372 -6 -6 -865 -3 -3 -432 0 0 0 -4 -4 -576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -90 -90 -15,677
2007 Pay Raise (2.2 %)   0 0 656 0 0 1,335 0 0 1,700 0 0 2,585 0 0 1,012 0 0 60 0 0 1,412 0 0 102 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 8,866
Annualization of 2006 Pay Raise (3.1 %)   0 0 116 0 0 513 0 0 662 0 0 1,050 0 0 456 0 0 25 0 0 644 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3,512
Annualization of 2006 FTE   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0
Annualization of 2006 positions (Dollars)   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 974 0 0 3,767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,741
GSA Rent   0 0 921 0 0 3,764 0 0 2,552 0 0 4,331 0 0 1,189 0 0 330 0 0 3,003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 16,190
DHS Security Charges   0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 23 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 19 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78
ICASS   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 642 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 642
Overseas Capital Security-Cost Sharing   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 387 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 387
Subtotal Increases   0 0 1,695 0 0 5,619 0 7 6,940 0 29 11,758 0 0 2,657 0 0 416 0 0 5,078 0 0 147 0 0 0 0 0 106 0 36 34,416
Total Adjustments to Base   0 0 1,695 -3 -3 5,187 -74 -67 -6,432 -6 23 10,893 -3 -3 2,225 0 0 416 -4 -4 4,502 0 0 147 0 0 0 0 0 106 -90 -54 18,739
Total Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments   0 0 1,686 -3 -3 5,184 -74 -67 -6,263 -6 23 10,856 -3 -3 2,277 0 0 417 -4 -4 4,546 0 0 161 0 0 0 0 0 106 -90 -54 18,970
2007 Current Services   48 49 9,977 563 515 85,691 744 750 136,843 1,094 1,119 203,720 436 490 95,051 37 37 6,278 733 735 113,583 62 64 20,747 0 0 0 3 3 586 3,720 3,762 672,476
Program Changes                                                      
Increase by Strategic Goal:                                                      
Strategic Goal Two: Enforce Federal Laws and Represent the Rights and Interests of the American People 0 0 0 32 16 2,000 2 1 218 114 57 9,566 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 149 75 11,849
Total Program Changes   0 0 0 32 16 2,000 2 1 218 114 57 9,566 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 149 75 11,849
2007 Request   48 49 9,977 595 531 87,691 746 751 137,061 1,208 1,176 213,286 436 490 95,051 37 37 6,278 733 735 113,583 63 65 20,812 0 0 0 3 3 586 3,869 3,837 684,325
Change 2007 from 2006   0 0 1,686 29 13 7,184 -72 -66 -6,045 108 80 20,422 -3 -3 2,277 0 0 417 -4 -4 4,546 1 1 226 0 0 0 0 0 106 59 21 30,819


(Dollars in Thousands)

  2006 Enacted w/ Rescission   2007 Current Services   2007 Request   Total Program Changes
Perm           Perm           Perm           Perm        
Comparison by activity and program     Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE1 Amount Pos. FTE Amount
1. Conduct of Supreme Court Proceedings and Review of Appellate Matters   48 49 $8,291 48 49 $9,977 48 49 $9,977 0 0 $0
2. General Tax Matters   566 518 80,507 563 515 85,691 595 531 87,691 32 16 2,000
3. Enforcing Federal Criminal Laws   818 817 143,106 744 750 136,843 746 751 137,061 2 1 218
4. Claims, Customs and General Civil Matters 1/   1,100 1,096 192,864 1,094 1,119 203,720 1,208 1,176 213,286 114 57 9,566
5. Environment and Natural Resources   439 493 92,774 436 490 95,051 436 490 95,051 0 0 0
6. Legal Opinions   37 37 5,861 37 37 6,278 37 37 6,278 0 0 0
7. Civil Rights Division   737 739 109,037 733 735 113,583 733 735 113,583 0 0 0
8. Interpol - USNCB   62 64 20,586 62 64 20,747 63 65 20,812 1 1 65
9. Dispute Resolutions   3 3 480 3 3 586 3 3 586 0 0 0
  Total   3,810 3,816 653,506 3,720 3,762 672,476 3,869 3,837 684,325 149 75 11,849
  Reimbursable FTE     351     351     351     0  
  Grand Total   3,810 4,167 653,506 3,720 4,113 672,476 3,869 4,188 684,325 149 75 11,849

Consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act, the 2007 budget proposes to streamline the decision unit structure of DOJ components to align more closely with the mission and strategic objectives contained in the DOJ Strategic Plan (FY 2003-2008). In addition, the budget has been realigned to reflect each component's outputs and full costs by major program activity, including the costs of management and administration, so that a more accurate picture of total activity costs is reflected in the budget. In this way, budget and performance are more closely linked, and provide a better basis on which to make budget decisions. Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs.

1/ The Budget Summary includes 13 FTEs for Civil Division's Health Care Fraud Litigation enhancement that is not included in the President's Budget Appendix.

Strategic Goal Two: Enforce Federal Laws and Represent the Rights and Interests of the American People   149   75   $11,849

Tax Division
1. Operation Follow-Through

The Tax Division requests 32 positions (22 attorneys), 16 FTE, and $2,000,000 to support the priority placed by the President on increased and more effective tax law enforcement. The Administration's renewed focus has generated increased enforcement efforts by the IRS, which, in turn, has resulted in a significantly increased workload for the Division. To help meet the demand generated by the IRS's activity, the Division seeks this additional appropriation to support its "Operation Follow-Through" initiative. Because this is a new initiative it does not have any FY 2007 current services resources.

Criminal Division
2. Intellectual Property

The Criminal Division requests an additional 2 positions (2 attorneys), 1 FTE, and $218,000 to combat intellectual property crime. Creators of intellectual property are losing billions of dollars to intellectual property piracy, both foreign and domestic. Recognizing the critical role that intellectual property plays in the economy of the United States, the Department of Justice is aggressively pursuing violators of intellectual property laws, including traditional hard-goods offenses, the theft of trade secrets, and online piracy of copyrighted materials. FY 2007 current services resources for this initiative are 18 positions (15 attorneys), 18 FTE, and $3,229,000. Total FY 2007 resources for this initiative are 20 positions (17 attorneys), 19 FTE, and $3,447,000.

Civil Division
3. Office of Immigration Litigation (OIL)

The Civil Division requests 114 positions (86 attorneys), 57 FTE, and $9,566,000 to handle the sharp rise in immigration cases. The foremost contributor to the rise is the heightened immigration enforcement activities pursued by the Department of Homeland Security. Between FY 2002 and FY 2005, the Division's immigration caseload has nearly tripled. By FY 2007, the caseload is expected to rise to over 23,000 cases. Even with the additional resources Congress provided for FY 2006, the caseload is on track to reach an untenable 155 cases per attorney by FY 2007. Inadequate resources to defend these cases could result in adverse judgments, hindering the government's ability to pursue a consistent and unified strategy for upholding immigration enforcement actions, consequently undermining our National Security. FY 2007 current services resources for this initiative are 204 positions (155 attorneys), 212 FTE, and $36,671,000. FY 2007 total resources for this initiative are 318 positions (241 attorneys), 269 FTE, and $46,237,000.

United States National Central Bureau - INTERPOL (USNCB)
4. Child Exploitation/Obscenity

The USNCB requests 1 position, 1 FTE, and $65,000 to enhance its efforts to prevent international exploitation of children. International child exploitation leads have taken a sharp upturn in recent years due to the ease of placing child pornographic sites on the Internet. The Internet also offers a convenient and anonymous method for child pornographers to meet and chat with child victims on-line. The international child molester can set up meetings with victims to sexually abuse them and then leave the country with little fear of being identified. The USNCB is in a unique position to assist law enforcement world-wide to identify and arrest these predators. The prevention of international exploitation of children is a part of Interpol's larger Economic Crimes Division and has no individual current services to report. There are no FY 2007 current services resources for this activity. Therefore, total FY 2007 resources for this initiative are 1 position, 1 FTE, and $65,000.

Total Program Changes, General Legal Activities   149   75   $11,849


(Dollars in Thousands)

  2006 Enacted
(w/ Rescissions)
Current Decision Unit Structure Perm.   Perm.  
Comparison by activity or program Pos. FTE Amount   Pos. FTE Amount
   1.Civil Tax Appeals 68 60 $9,547   -68 -60 -$9,547
   2. Criminal Prosecution and Appeals 122 116 18,203   -122 -116 18,203
   3. Civil Litigation 296 271 42,045   -296 -271 42,045
   4.Management & Administration 80 71 10,712   -80 -71 10,712
   5. General Tax Matters* 0 0 0   566 518 80,507
      Total, TAX DIVISION 566 518 $80,507   566 518 $80,507
   1. Organized Crime & Narcotics 102 102 $17,327   -102 -102 -$17,327
   2. White Collar Crime 219 216 38,277   -219 -216 -38,277
   3. International 224 222 39,644   -224 -222 -39,644
   4. Litigation Support 180 177 30,608   -180 -177 -30,608
   5. Management & Administration 93 100 17,250   -93 -100 -17,250
   6. Enforcing Federal Criminal Laws* 0 0 0   818 817 143,106
      Total, CRIMINAL DIVISION 818 817 $143,106   818 817 $143,106
   1. Federal Appellate Activity 75 74 $13,257   -75 -74 -$13,257
   2. Torts Litigation 191 200 33,779   -191 -200 -33,779
   3. Commercial Litigation 359 369 70,892   -359 -369 -70,892
   4. Federal Programs 145 129 22,006   -145 -129 -22,006
   5. Consumer Litigation 35 40 5,513   -35 -40 -5,513
   6. Immigration Litigation 204 183 31,508   -204 -183 -31,508
   7. Management & Administration 91 101 15,909   -91 -101 -15,909
   8. Legal Representation * 0 0 0   1,100 1,096 192,864
   9. Victims' Compensation Admin. 0 0 0   0 0 0
      Total, CIVIL DIVISION 1,100 1,096 $192,864   1,100 1,096 $192,864
   1. Appellate and Policy 46 51 $9,367   -46 -51 -$9,367
   2. Environmental Protection 194 210 43,101   -194 -210 -43,101
   3. Natural Resources 156 170 30,370   -156 -170 -30,370
   4.Management & Administration 43 62 9,936   -43 -62 -9,936
   5. Environment & Natural Resources* 0 0 0   439 493 92,774
      Total, ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 439 493 $92,774   439 493 $92,774
1. Federal Appellate 28 27 $5,230   -28 -27 -$5,230
   2. Civil Rights Prosecution 100 100 12,567   -100 -100 -12,567
   3. Special Litigation 72 69 12,096   -72 -69 -12,096
   4. Voting Rights 102 106 11,758   -102 -106 -11,758
   5. Employment Litigation 61 60 9,522   -61 -60 -9,522
   6. Coordination and Review 21 20 4,040   -21 -20 -4,040
   7. Housing and Civil Enforcement 98 93 13,541   -98 -93 -13,541
   8. Educational Opportunities 35 36 5,629   -35 -36 -5,629
   9. Disability Rights 97 95 16,626   -97 -95 -16,626
   10. Office of Special Counsel 31 32 4,464   -31 -32 -4,464
   11. Management & Administration 92 101 13,564   -92 -101 -13,564
   12. Civil Rights Division * 0 0 0   737 739 109,037
      Total, CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION 737 739 $109,037   737 739 $109,037
*Denotes new decision unit.    
TAX, CRIMINAL, CIVIL, ENVIRONMENT, AND CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISIONS have collapsed their decision units into one decision unit each.