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Academic Outcomes
Table 15-2.  Average economics scale scores of 12th-grade students, by content area and student and school characteristics: 2006

    Content area
Student or school characteristic Overall Market economy National economy International economy

    Total     150     150     150     150
  Male   152   152   152   152
  Female   148   148   148   148
  White 158 158 158 158
  Black   127   128   127   129
  Hispanic   133   133   132   133
  Asian/Pacific Islander   153   153   153   152
  American Indian/Alaska Native   137   138   138   134
Highest level of parental education        
  Did not finish high school   129   128   129   133
  Graduated from high school   138   138   137   138
  Some education after high school   150   151   150   149
  Graduated from college   160   160   161   160
  West   ‡   ‡   ‡   ‡
  Midwest   153   153   154   153
  South   147   147   147   147
  Northeast   153   153   153   154
  City   148   148   148   148
  Suburban   153   153   153   152
  Town   148   147   148   149
  Rural   149   149   149   149
Students in school eligible for free or reduced-price lunch
  10 percent or less   164   164   164   163
  11–25 percent   153   153   154   153
  26–50 percent   147   147   146   147
  51–75 percent   134   134   134   134
  More than 75 percent 130 130 129 132

‡ Reporting standards not met (too few cases).

1 Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity.

NOTE: See supplemental note 4 for more information on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

SOURCE: Mead, N., and Sandene, B. (2007). The Nation’s Report Card: Economics 2006 (NCES 2007-475), data from U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, NAEP Data Explorer.

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