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Support Software.

Decision Support Software for Rangeland Grasshopper Identification and Management

Grasshopper management and identification support software to aid decision-making when managing grasshopper infestations on rangeland.

Link to CARMA 4.0 (CAse-based Managment Adviser). CARMA 5.0 (CAse-based Range Management Adviser)

CARMA is a Windows®-based program that produces advice about the most economical responses to rangeland grasshopper infestations in Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota and Wyoming. CARMA does this by predicting the proportion of available forage that will be consumed by grasshoppers and estimating the economic returns of various treatment options, including newly developed RAATs and Dimilin treatments. 

Link to Electronic Key for Common Adult Grasshoppers of the Western United States. Electronic Key for Common Adult Grasshoppers of the Western United States (LucidTM Key)

The electronic key for Common Adult Rangeland Grasshoppers of the Western United States is a powerful yet simple interactive identification and information system that operates under the LucidTM software system. It will allow you to identify 70 of the most common adult grasshoppers.  An identification proceeds simply as this - by choosing more and more features from the list in Characters Available that describe your specimen.

Link to Hopper 4.0. Hopper 4.0

Hopper 4.0 can be used to help determine the best course of action when dealing with grasshopper outbreaks on rangeland. Users should compare recommended treatments with other options developed since the program was written, such as RAATs and Dimilin. Not all treatment options listed in Hopper are currently registered for use on rangeland. Where trade names are used, no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by USDA. Although Hopper 4.0 is a DOS based program, it has been modified by USDA-APHIS-PPQ-CPHST to easily install and run on all Windows 2000 and XP machines. View the Hopper Overview page or the User's Guide.


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