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Academic Outcomes
Table 13-3.  Average science scores for public school 4th- and 8th-graders, by state: 1996, 2000, and 2005

  Grade 4
  Grade 8
State 2000 2005   19961 2000 2005

    United States  145* 149   148 148 147
Alabama 143 142   139 143* 138
Arizona 140 139   145* 145* 140
Arkansas 145 147   144 142 144
California 129* 137   138 129* 136
Colorado 155   155 155
Connecticut 156 155   155 153 152
Delaware 152   142* 152
Florida 150   142 141
Georgia 142* 148   142 142 144
Hawaii 136* 142   135 130* 136
Idaho 152 155   158 158
Illinois 150 148   148 148
Indiana 154 152   153 154* 150
Iowa 159   158
Kentucky 152* 158   147* 150* 153
Louisiana 139 143   132* 134* 138
Maine 161 160   163* 158 158
Maryland 145* 149   145 146 145
Massachusetts 161 160   157* 158* 161
Michigan 152 152   153 155 155
Minnesota 157 156   159 159 158
Mississippi 133 133   133 134 132
Missouri 157 158   151 154 154
Montana 160 160   162 164 162
Nebraska 150   157 158
Nevada 142 140   141* 138
New Hampshire 161   162
New Jersey 154   153
New Mexico 140 141   141* 139 138
New York 148   146 145
North Carolina 147 149   147 145 144
North Dakota 160 160   162 159* 163
Ohio 155 157   159 155
Oklahoma 151 150   149 147
Oregon 148 151   155 154 153
Rhode Island 148 146   149* 148 146
South Carolina 140* 148   139* 140* 145
South Dakota 158   161
Tennessee 145* 150   143 145 145
Texas 145* 150   145 143 143
Utah 154 155   156* 154 154
Vermont 160 160   157* 159* 162
Virginia 155* 161   149* 151* 155
Washington 153   150* 154
West Virginia 149 151   147 146 147
Wisconsin 158   160 158
Wyoming 156 157   158 156* 159

— Not available.

‡ Reporting standards not met (too few cases).

* Significantly different from 2005 (p < .05).

1Testing accommodations (e.g., extended time, small group testing) for children with disabilities and limited-English-proficient students were not permitted on the 1996 science assessment.

NOTE: Data are presented for states with representative samples large enough for reporting state-level results. At the state level, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) includes only students in public schools, while national results in this indicator include both public and private school students. Variations or changes in exclusion rates for students with disabilities and limited-English-proficient students in the NAEP samples may affect comparative performance results. See supplemental note 4 for more information on testing accommodations and NAEP.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 1996, 2000, and 2005 Science Assessments, NAEP Data Explorer.

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