BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Bahrain Local time: 10:01 PM

Targeted Commercial Presentation-Local Trade Shows

This is the newest service that FCS is offering to local show organizers. Events accepted under this category cannot be included under the CTF program due to a specific reason. Work that would be included in a 'Targeted Commercial Presentations' (TCP) event would be promotion of the event to US companies because it has been identified as having tremendous potential to the particular industry for the UAE. Post will work closely with local show organizer to promote the event but will undertake no definite numbers for US exhibitor participation. Post plans to work with a designated trade specialist/team or US exhibition organizer in the U.S. to work through appropriate trade associations to get US exhibitors to participate as well as recruit for a PLC (product literature center) that will be held at the TCP.