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Academic Outcomes
Table 13-3.  Average mathematics scale scores and achievement-level results for public school 4th- and 8th-graders, by state: 1990, 1992, and 2007

  Grade 4
  Grade 8
        Percentage of students
        Percentage of students
  Average score
  At or above
  At or above
  Average score
  At or above
  At or above
State 19921 2007   19921 2007   19921 2007   19901 2007   19901 2007   19901 2007

     United States 219 239*   57 81*   17 39*   262 280*   51 70*   15 31*
Alabama 208 229*   43 70*   10 26*   253 266*   40 55*   9 18*
Alaska 237   79   38   283   73   32
Arizona 215 232*   53 74*   13 31*   260 276*   48 66*   13 26*
Arkansas 210 238*   47 81*   10 37*   256 274*   44 65*   9 24*
California 208 230*   46 70*   12 30*   256 270*   45 59*   12 24*
Colorado 221 240*   61 82*   17 41*   267 286*   57 75*   17 37*
Connecticut 227 243*   67 84*   24 45*   270 282*   60 73*   22 35*
Delaware 218 242*   55 87*   17 40*   261 283*   48 74*   14 31*
District of Columbia 193 214*   23 49*   5 14*   231 248*   17 34*   3 8*
Florida 214 242*   52 86*   13 40*   255 277*   43 68*   12 27*
Georgia 216 235*   53 79*   15 32*   259 275*   47 64*   14 25*
Hawaii 214 234*   52 77*   15 33*   251 269*   40 59*   12 21*
Idaho 222 241*   63 85*   16 40*   271 284*   63 75*   18 34*
Illinois 237   79   36   261 280*   50 70*   15 31*
Indiana 221 245*   60 89*   16 46*   267 285*   56 76*   17 35*
Iowa 230 243*   72 87*   26 43*   278 285*   70 77*   25 35*
Kansas 248   89   51   290   81   40
Kentucky 215 235*   51 79*   13 31*   257 279*   43 69*   10 27*
Louisiana 204 230*   39 73*   8 24*   246 272*   32 64*   5 19*
Maine 232 242*   75 85*   27 42*   286   78   34
Maryland 217 240*   55 80*   18 40*   261 286*   50 74*   17 37*
Massachusetts 227 252*   68 93*   23 58*   298   85   51
Michigan 220 238*   61 80*   18 37*   264 277*   53 66*   16 29*
Minnesota 228 247*   71 87*   26 51*   275 292*   67 81*   23 43*
Mississippi 202 228*   36 70*   6 21*   265   54   14
Missouri 222 239*   62 82*   19 38*   281   72   30
Montana 244   88   44   280 287*   74 79*   27 38*
Nebraska 225 238*   67 80*   22 38*   276 284*   68 74*   24 35*
Nevada 232   74   30   271   60   23
New Hampshire 230 249*   72 91*   25 52*   273 288*   65 78*   20 38*
New Jersey 227 249*   68 90*   25 52*   270 289*   58 77*   21 40*
New Mexico 213 228*   50 70*   11 24*   256 268*   43 57*   10 17*
New York 218 243*   57 85*   17 43*   261 280*   50 70*   15 30*
North Carolina 213 242*   50 85*   13 41*   250 284*   38 73*   9 34*
North Dakota 229 245*   72 91*   22 46*   281 292*   75 86*   27 41*
Ohio 219 245*   57 87*   16 46*   264 285*   53 76*   15 35*
Oklahoma 220 237*   60 82*   14 33*   263 275*   52 66*   13 21*
Oregon 236   79   35   271 284*   62 73*   21 35*
Pennsylvania 224 244*   65 85*   22 47*   266 286*   56 77*   17 38*
Rhode Island 215 236*   54 80*   13 34*   260 275*   49 65*   15 28*
South Carolina 212 237*   48 80*   13 36*   282   71   32
South Dakota 241   86   41   288   81   39
Tennessee 211 233*   47 76*   10 29*   274   64   23
Texas 218 242*   56 87*   15 40*   258 286*   45 78*   13 35*
Utah 224 239*   66 83*   19 39*   281   72   32
Vermont 246   89   49   291   81   41
Virginia 221 244*   59 87*   19 42*   264 288*   52 77*   17 37*
Washington 243   84   44   285   75   36
West Virginia 215 236*   52 81*   12 33*   256 270*   42 61*   9 19*
Wisconsin 229 244*   71 85*   24 47*   274 286*   66 76*   23 37*
Wyoming 225 244*   69 88*   19 44*   272 287*   64 80*   19 36*

— Not available (state did not participate in assessment).

* Change in score is statistically significant from 1990 or 1992 (p < .05).

1 Testing accommodations (e.g., extended time, small group testing) for children with disabilities and limited-English-proficient students were not permitted.

NOTE: State samples were not collected for grade 12; therefore, state results for grade 12 are not available. At the state level, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) includes only students in public schools, while other reported national results in this indicator include both public and private school students. Variations or changes in exclusion rates for students with disabilities and limited-English-proficient students in the NAEP samples may affect comparative performance results. The 2007 NAEP national sample for grades 4 and 8 was obtained by aggregating the samples from each state and the District of Columbia, rather than by obtaining an independently selected national sample. As a consequence, the size of the national samples for grades 4 and 8 increased, and smaller differences between years or between types of students were found to be statistically significant than would have been detected in previous assessments. See supplemental note 4 for more information on testing accommodations and on NAEP.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 1990, 1992, and 2007 Mathematics Assessments, NAEP Data Explorer.

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