BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Singapore Local time: 05:19 AM

Looking for U.S. suppliers?

If you are a Singaporean business looking for an American supplier, contractor, or strategic partners, this section will help you do so.

Trade Opportunities

  • Leading U.S. Manufacturer of coating equipment and dampening systems seeking distributor. Find out more here!

Featured U.S. Exporters
Featured U.S. Exporters or FUSE is an on-line directory of U.S. products and services. Please contact the relevant Commercial Specialist listed if any of the U.S. companies interest you.

Interested in receiving announcements regarding American firms who are seeking representation in Singapore?
All you have to do is to complete the company profile questionnaire. Subscription is FREE!

Commercial News USA
Click here to read and subscribe the Commerce Department's magazine featuring hundreds of products and services available from U.S. companies.

International Buyer program
The U.S. Commercial Service's International Buyer Program brings thousands of international buyers each year to meet with U.S. companies at major trade shows in the United States. Take advantage of these excellent business opportunities to meet with potential sales representatives and strategic partners at major trade events without ever leaving the country.


Thomas Register of American Manufacturers,